yoon keeho - celebrity crush

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The loud screams coming from the fans in the crowd as Jimmy Fallon called your name as you begin walking on the stage only to hear the screams getting louder than before.

You felt joy as butterflies filled your stomach as you realized that one of your biggest dream were finally coming true today. Being on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon was a dream, especially one you never imagined coming true.

You greeted Jimmy, grinning from ear to ear as he gave you a warm hug before sitting back down onto his chair that was across from you.

"Wow.." he commented, making you chuckle slightly as the screams started to die down slowly as everyone took a seat.

"First of all, congratulations on your first single album getting three millions sales in less than four hours-.. that's absolutely incredible!"

The crowd became loud at his comment, making your cheeks turned red.

"You're so talented, but you deserve all of the love you're getting."

You thanked him gratefully and begin looking around the room. This is only the first of your many interviews this upcoming week but you has this deep feeling nothing would be able to top this one.

He begin asking you questions about your music; from how you feel about the music you've put out and the new songs you'll be releasing soon, people who inspire you the most and much more.

until things went in different direction, and the mention of keeho's name made you quite excited in the inside.

"so I'd heard you are a huge fan of yoon keeho" he mentioned

"..yes! I mean who isn't?"

"Yeah? He's a big fan of you, did you know that?"

From there, your eyes went wide. The thought of keeho being a fan of you felt unreal. since when? how did he found out about me? many questions ran through your head as you felt your cheeks burning.

But, as if that wasn't enough, Jimmy then said.

"He actually has this massive crush on you!"

You gasped and the crowd became much louder at Jimmy words while you only sat there in shock mix with awe.

Jimmy laughed at your reaction. "Yeah, last time him and his members were here, not too long ago actually, I asked him some questions about who's his favorite artist currently and right away he immediately answered that you're his favorite and said, and I quote, his music are incredible and he's probably the most gorgeous male I've ever seen. been crushing on him for a few months"

Your heart begin beating against your chest, you didn't want anything but just to jump out of your seat and scream.

"So, my question for you m/n, is how do you feel about keeho?" He asked

"A-are you kidding? He's amazing and inspire me a lot and.. I think he's of course super talented and.. a-also very attractive really" I replied

The crowd laughed at my comment as Jimmy laughed before agreeing.

"Well that's awesome, I'm pretty sure keeho would be proud to hear this! Because I told him that you were coming in today and that he's also currently watching right now."

Your eyes went wide again, feeling your head dizzy. You've never felt your heart beating as fast as it is now, feeling a bit mix of happiness along with nervousness filled your entire body.

Gosh.. how much did he heard???

The interview ended not much longer than that; few questions here and there while you tried answering them calmly as possible. But of course, you couldn't think straight but  keeho and what he might be thinking nor feeling right now.

While walking back to your dresser room, you saw your manager speed walking towards you like he just saw something that frightened him.

"Hey!.. you're gonna want to check on Twitter." He says

You felt that pounding in your chest again, people are already talking about this?? How much did they knew???

But then, you opened your Twitter only to find you getting lots of notifications from new followers, likes along with messages.

until you saw that one special message that made your heart beating again.

You realized keeho doesn't have his own account so instead, he message you on his team account.



I'm so happy to hear your response on Jimmy Fallon today. I'm so glad you like me back, say. Let's possibly hang out this weekend? I'm staying in LA only for a few days until our trip back to korea. it would be a dream come true if you say yes.
                          PS, I think you're more handsome and adorable!!!
        Here's my # (***) *** *** ;)
                     ~ keeho .


Your mouth was wide opened as you hugged your phone to your chest and squeal.

You immediately messaged him back.

I'd would love that so much! Name the place and time, I'll be there:)

it didn't took long, as you got up to head out of your dresser room and then out of the building when you heard your phone chimed.

Another message from keeho...


Awesome. I know a great private restaurant that we can go to, how about tomorrow at 5pm? at ***** ***. can't wait to see you!!.


Your fingers begin shaking as you replied back to him, and followed your manager and the guards the way out.

You couldn't believe this..

All you could say, this is only the beginning.

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