kim seokjin - your puppy gets jealous

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"Hey, m/n! We need a restock of chips here!" Your best friend, Jin, yelled from the living room, a black controller in his hand while his thumbs worked on the buttons.

Your puppy, mash-potato, was seated next to him, watching him play on the big tv, trying to understand the most of what was happening on the screen. He barked in agreement to Jin, patting his paw on the coffee table which had the bowl that was once filled with Jin favorite chips.

Meanwhile, you were in the kitchen, preparing lunch for you and Jin as you heard his voice from the living room. "That was the fourth bag, Jin! No more now!" You yelled back, practically louder than him because he would have his headphones on.

Mash-potatoe, came running towards you when he caught the aroma of ramen that you were making. He barked while jumping on his fore limbs, wanting to taste the noddles.

You stared down at him before smiling and petting him. "You know you can't have this type of him, mash." You said before grabbing his white bowl and pouring some food and placing it right in front of him, making his eyes sparkled as he began digging in.

Jin saw that you were taking too long for his liking to get him a restock bag of chips. Maybe he hasn't heard you.

You turned around and continued with the ramen preparation as you felt a presence in the room. "Why didn't you give me my chips?" You heard him say, seeing him rummage through your pantry.

"You're done Jin." Turning off the gas, you turned to him. "You ate up all my chips and now you want more?" You asked him, sounding slightly annoyed.

Your raised brow twitched when you saw him pulling out a packet of your favorite snack.

"Jin." You warned, yet, your voice was calm, too calm while your eyes fixed on the snack that was slowly being tucked in his hands.

The moment he heard you, he ran away with the snack still in his hand. "Sorry not sorry!" His laugh filled the room, making you roll your eyes in response.

But you saw him coming back to you and leaning towards you. "Wh-what now?–" your cheeks took up a tint of red while he just smiled and moved closer.

You had a crush on him and so did he. You both had confessed kind of indirectly, but you couldn't get together due to the situations you both might be in. Knowing how some of his 'fans' would act once they found out that their idol is dating someone, it's a whole new war.

Jin wouldn't like that for you. Even though he wanted to be with you and treat you like a prince and spoil the hell out of you, he sadly had to declined, not wanting his favorite person to get a lot of hate for being his partner. He wouldn't risk that on you.

He looked into your eyes, still maintaining the distance in between.

Mash saw you both being very close to each other and got jealous. He barked once but Jin didn't budge. He barked once again but no response.

"Nothing. I just wanted to look closely?" He said while giving you his warm smile. Just then, he pulled you by the waist before wrapping his arms around your body, hugging you tight.

You were surprised but smiled and hugged him back.

Mash saw the scene and got super more jealous.

No one is allowed to hug his dad except for him. He began barking and jumped near Jin's feet. Hooking his teeth onto Jin's sweatpants, he began dragging him away. Jin felt his leg being pulled and saw that it was mash trying to pull him apart from you.

Chuckling softly, he pulled away from you but mash suddenly started dragging him with all of his strength which made the band of Jin's pants slip from his waist.

You seen it and held your laugh in. "I- oh my gosh! Mash what happened?" The man tried to get the fabric off his teeth but mash grip was the best when it came to his stubbornness.

"I think he's jealous."

He kept on dragging him while Jin held onto his sweatpants, not allowing them to slip off. He was still being dragged by your puppy.

"Jealous of what–?" He looked at you and in that moment, his grip on his pants loosened which helped mash to pull them off of his bod completely. Your eyes widened at the scene while Jin was surprised at the sight.

"What the fuck–" the same moment, he lost his balance and landed on his ass.

Mash ran away with his sweats in his mouth to bury it in the backyard along with his other such treasures.

You held your lower lip between your teeth, trying really hard not to laugh but when your eyes landed on his boxers, you burst out laughing.

"Spider man? Seriously?" He instantly covers his crotch in embarrassment as his face turned red like a tomato.

"Shush it! Let a man live his dream for fuck's sake!" He fired.

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