Act 2 - Chapter 29: Gunhild

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I roam this strange realm of dreams, often a black void. Yet, a faint light sparkles from the stars—The Constellations, as the Reul-Sìthe fae put it. Odd how their gods comprise the stars, but I suppose it's just like the gods that roam this world called Earth. The difference is these stars sparkle and twinkle. On Earth, the human's gods resemble statues of wood, stone, or iron. Sometimes, a painting. Other times, invisible. Regardless, such beings show no movement or reaction. The reason behind humans praying to them is a mystery to me.

I sense a shift. Color fills the scene and now a children's play area appears before me, surrounded by tall trees and foliage, set within a clear sunny day. There's a swing set nearby and next to it, a jungle gym made of wood and steel, complete with a tubular slide, monkey bars, a rock-climbing wall, and a red cloth canopy over the central area. Present are two familiar children. Both girls have white hair, but one is taller than the other. The taller one is wearing a green t-shirt and loose jeans, while the shorter one is in a plain red dress.

"Arizona, come play with me," the small girl says to the big girl as she climbs up the wall.

"Okay, Mathilde," the big girl says with a smile on her face as she follows the small one.

They chase each other. On the monkey bars, then to the raised platform, and down the slide. Mathilde comes out first and Arizona a second later. Mathilde stands up, dusts her skirt, and notices my presence. "You look like a scary lady," she says, staring up at me.

Arizona stands next to the girl, her hands on her hips and her brows punched down, looking angered. "What are you doing here? Are you scaring my sister?"

I smile at the children. "No, I'm not. I'm only passing by, seeking a balance in this strange land. Do you have time for some questions?"

"Well," Arizona waves a finger, "Miss Hikaru told us we shouldn't talk to strangers, and you're a very strange lady."

"Arizona is right," Mathilde adds. "You should leave before the police come."

"In that case, I will not bother you anymore," I say to them. In time, you will understand the truth."

"She's a such a weird lady," Arizona says to Mathilde with a grinning smile, "but remember Mathilde. I'll always be by your side, no matter what. Whenever you get scared, always think of me."

Mathilde nods. "Promise?"

"I promise," Arizona says.

Color evacuates this space and the world returns to the black of the void. Alone, Arizona remains, a young adult, a far cry from the girl she used to be. She looks at me with a raised brow, confused. "What the hell was that about? It felt like I was a kid, reliving a moment," Arizona says, scratching her head.

"An anomaly, perhaps," I say to her.

"You again? What are you doing here?" she asks.

"I roam this realm when my physical form is resting and—let me tell you—it's difficult holding a seat of incredible power."

"So, are you a CEO when you're not in this strange universe?"

"No," I answer, "I hold no power over any corporation. Instead, I leverage powers contained within certain governing entities, and propose rules and regulations as deemed necessary to where my actions overreach and override the powers of any corporation."

"I get it. You're a politician, yeah?" Arizona smirks.

What a strange remark. Yet, I keep my posture. "That's the easiest way to explain it," I say. "Anyway, I think you need to wake up. I'm sure there's an adventure ahead of you. Of course, if you can escape the predicament you and your cohorts have placed yourself in. I'm confident you can get yourself out. Don't let the WarGames training be in vain."

The girl grinds her teeth. "You're right."

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