Act 1 - Chapter 9: Gunhild

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I roam forward once more, the blackness of the void surrounding my every direction. Before me, a sea of nothing. Yet, my ears pick up a distant noise. It sounds like slow-moving footsteps creeping in my direction. I glance ahead and spot a familiar individual.

Ah yes. The girl who many call Ari. I suppose it is something easier to remember than Dr. May-Lynn Williams's middle name. If I can recall, it is some long Hawaiian name. I forget, but I'm sure that name will come to me.

The girl stops just a few steps before me and greets. "Oh, it's you again."

"I see we're no longer strangers. Instead, we are making the first steps to becoming close acquaintances." I let out a grin, but concealed behind a shroud of purple smoke.

"That's funny," she says, but without a chuckle. "So, why am I here?"

"That is a good question," I retort. "Weren't you supposed to have an arrangement with Cithara?"

Ari lowers her chin, disgusted. "Yes. I promised to go out with her after the WarGames' finale. We're supposed to eat out at a fancy restaurant in Vegas. I even put in a reservation months in advance. This sucks!"

"What a shame, but I suppose fate has other plans for you."

"Well, what a shitty plan this is." Ari grumbles. "So, Gunhild, if that is really you—"

"I'm glad you remembered my name," I say with a wide grin.

"Of course," she says. "According to The Doc, you must be a Valkyr dream diver."

I withdraw the purple haze before my face, revealing my identity to her. I then remove the rebec from my side and play a short melody, drawing my bow in a steady yet elegant motion.

The girl's eyes open wider, realizing the person in front of her that is me. "Wait, a second. You look familiar, but where have I seen you? It feels like we've met long ago."

"We have," I say with a slight smile while continuing to play my stringed instrument. "You were a young one, just at the tender age of four, maybe five, winters."

"Was it that long ago?" Ari scratches the back of her head. "I'm not sure where we met, but it feels like I'm supposed to remember you."

"It was," I say with a smile. "In due time, I'm sure those memories will return. Still, by the glint in your eye, I knew at that moment when you and I separated, destiny would shine on your path."

"So, did you bring me to this crazy island?" Ari asks, brows punched, looking skeptical.

"No, I did not. Yet, it's a fate that could lead to a positive turn. Look at it from a different angle."

Ari says, shifting her shoulders, "If I'm going to be on this island long term, then I'd like to have Cithara here with me."

"What's wrong? Are you worried that someone might take your beloved?" I ask, considering the outcomes of Ari's relationship with Cithara. Noticing how long this tether holds could be worth observing. I've always known Ari to be close to Cithara, their bond going both ways. "Are you concerned she could cheat on someone?"

The girl grits her teeth. "I know Cithara is not like that. I'm more disgusted by that Milani Sorsha guy. Milani and I can't stand each other. Every time I see him, I just want to kick him in the balls."

The young boy who watches over key projects at The Aether Dome? I ponder. He's such a gifted individual. It surprised me when Mun and her board of advisors promoted Mr. Sorsha to such a position despite his young age of nineteen winters. How Mun's AI resorted to that decision is beyond my understanding. I hope her choice for Project Supervisor pays off. Otherwise, such young talent would go to waste. Regardless, now that Ari mentioned it, his actions concern me. Perhaps it would be prudent to bring Cithara to this island. But in what way? Perhaps the threads of fate will play their role and determine the right path.

"Such anger," I mutter. "Conserve your energy. Instead, I recommend you get yourself acquainted with your new surroundings. You will be there for a while."

"Fine," Ari grumbles. "But if I'm going to tag along with this ragtag band of fae and android elves, I'd like to bring Cithara with me."

"That time will come," I say, foreseeing the paths. "Just worry about yourself, and the threads of time will set its course. Soon you will know the truths beyond the lies." I finish the song from my rebec, holster it on the side of my side, and disappear from Ari's sights.

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