Chapter 12

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Ever since Elijah's visit yesterday; Clarissa was in higher spirits than usual. She had stepped out of her little cabin and greeted her wolves. Smiling for once.

She had planned to surprise him. Today. She planned to get dressed and walk over to the compound in pursuit to get Elijah to relax for a bit and follow her to somewhere she always went.

When she was smaller; she always had a knack for sneaking out and getting into things nobody wanted her to get into. But some nights; she felt like getting away. Clarissa, one night followed the river down further than usual and found a spot between large trees, it was very private and very beautiful. She had never shown anyone her little piece of solace, but she intended to show Elijah.

She slipped on her black long sleeve shirt and her usual ripped jeans. But she looked in the mirror and decided to put on something completely different. She tried on multiple dresses until she settled for a smart casual black laced dress with black ballet flats.

She tied her hair in a pretty half up half down style and it fell in loose waves that made her look even better.

Clarissa had planned ahead. She knew Elijah would probably be hungry and that she would want to spend the day there; so she made some sandwiches and put them in a small bag.

"Where are you going?" A friend of Ezra's spoke in her brothers tone as if he actually was him. It actually made her stop for a minute and remind herself that he was dead.

"Out" she shrugged, readjusting the bag strap for it to steadily lean on her shoulder

"You know Clarissa, your brother has died but that doesn't mean he won't stop caring; he wrote me a letter to take care of you..." He began

"... I don't need taken care of; I'm alpha; remember" she reminded him before shooting him a glance and walking off

"You'll only get hurt" he shouted behind her but she brushed off the statement and walked through the bayou.


"I didn't think you'd visit today" Elijah said surprised, he had already spent last night with Hayley and now she's here this morning.

"I had some free time" she began explaining "you're not busy are you?" She played stupid, knowing he would drop anything for her. She had the originals unconditional love.

"Not at all" Elijah quickly replied. He was sat down in his room when she came in and stayed there until he felt like moving.

"Dahlia had struck again, possessed one of our own" she brushed her hair behind her back as if she was getting ready for something

"We are taking careful steps" Elijah explained reaching his arms out to grasp Hayley's slim waist and pull her down, into him.

Hayley followed Elijah's firm guidance and straddled him. Her hands caressed his stubbled cheek and their lips never parted.

But there was something wrong with Elijah. Even though he didn't break their kiss off; he thought about Clarissa and how their kiss could make him see into her soul. But he carried in anyway.

"Elijah I have a surprise for you..." The door of the room opened to leave the secret lovers in plain sight. Elijah jumped at the voice but Hayley, being her stubborn self stayed put. But she had already seen what had been going on "oh I'm so ... Sorry" she began to apologise before she realised who was underneath Hayley's hybrid body.

Clarissa dropped the bag of food and Elijah could actually see the tears pool in her eyes.

"Clarissa..." He began to explain; lifting Hayley off and standing up

"Dont" she raised her hand to show that she didn't want to hear his explanation.

Elijah stepped closer. Clarissa stepped away

"Just don't" she turned and walked away, Elijah could feel that she was crying when she left the room.

Hayley looked at him with confusion. Her arms crossed, waiting for her own explanation.

"What?" Elijah slid his jacket on "you're not the only one who had someone else" he said sarcastically before leaving the room in pursuit of Clarissa.


The emotions mixed between her, she was enraged and upset, she was in shock that someone that she thought cared about her would do something like that. She had never experienced such hurt since he died. But then, this was actually more painful for her.

Clarissa's werewolf tried to break out but she subdued it and only gained its fury.

"Clarissa" she heard Elijah shout her as she picked her pace up. Obviously he would be able to hear her breathing and her heartbeat and her footsteps. But Clarissa needed her pack; something around here was about to change.

"Pack meeting now" she shouted as she stepped foot in the camp. All wolves scrambled up in a circle around Clarissa and she stood there like she actually belonged. "It is time for us to step up" she shouted at them

Elijah stopped as he reached the pack of wolves listening to Clarissa.

"Oh Elijah, just in time" she smiled as if she didn't want anyone to know what had just happened "the vampires have taken too long to make a move against Dahlia" she spat "it has been weeks since she slaughtered my brother in cold blood and she has not even been touched yet"

Elijah opened his mouth to speak. But no words came out, she actually spoke up as an alpha. She looked and sounded like a true alpha. Unfortunately, true alphas always had a tendency to act on whims and end up dead or severely, life changingly injured.

"That's why I'm stepping up now" she carried on once Elijah had given up on any words that he thought of "from now on, I'm going to do it my way and you vampires can either stick with us, or you can die with Dahlia"

The venom that dripped from her voice had been new and Elijah found it alluring yet intimidating. This wasn't going to end well for her if he didn't stop her soon.

"Wait" a girl shouted from the crowd "we are against the vampires now? That's pathetic" the crowd split so her wrinkled face looked at Clarissa's outraged expression

"Why is that?" Clarissa stepped closer, Elijah almost thought Clarissa would do something she would regret but he relaxed when she only walked to her

"Because they are planning, they're cunning, if you're doing this them I'm siding with them" she snarled

Clarissa got closer and closer until her hand had reached her face and the woman had been slammed repeatedly against a wall. Elijah's senses tingled at the smell of the blood. But his reflexes jumped and he pulled Clarissa away.

The injured wolf stumbled up and walked to an acceptable distance. "If anyone doubts me" she shouted, pushing Elijah away "your fate will be worse"

She turned to Elijah with fire in her eyes, he could see her hurt and her temper rising. "Go" she said "tell your brother and the others you'll be taking orders from me now"

Elijah walked away reluctantly, not sure whether leave or not, but he needed her to calm down first before they talk.

"Wait up" the woman stumbled after him "please" she was out of breath and blood still poured.

"What is it?" Elijah turned to ask her

"First off, thank you" she said "for saving my life"

Elijah nodded, he knew that her head will heal in good time.

"Second of all, don't give up on Clarissa" she said and he was surprised that she had just taken a beating and now defending the girl who did it "it's in her genes, her family seems the nicest but they can be the meanest"

"What do you mean?" Elijah stuck his hands in his pocket and looked sceptical.

"I can't say now, I need to get back before I get hurt even more" she excused herself "meet me tomorrow around here, noon" she said before walking off, not leaving Elijah to answer.

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