18. The story

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Another few days passed and Jungkook was feeling pretty good. He applied to a college for science (which he couldn't believe, seeing how insocial he was), he didn't want to sit at home and desperately wait for Taehyung to come back. He needed to go out.

He did ignore Yoongi for those days...which was hard 'cause he lived in the devil himselfs house.

It was almost September, which meant that the schools were starting soon and he would probably get a letter from the university in a few days.

It also meant it was getting colder and Jungkook started feeling sick again. But of course, he ignored it again just like he did when he was sick with Taehyung. Because he was ignoring Yoongi, the older man also didn't get a chance to notice Jungkook's coughing.

Yoongi himself struggled with the cold as well, but he knew how to handle it. He was very worried about his daughter though. It was her first winter and he had honestly no idea if babies got cold fast. The whole parenting thing was still very new to him so it was easy to feel like he was doing something wrong.

Yoongi was holding his baby girl in his arms when Jungkook walked out of his room as sneaky as possible. "Hey kook, haven't seen you in a while." The mint haired man acknowledged.

Jungkook didn't reply and walked over to the fridge. He took out some water and was about to go back into his room when Yoongi jumped in front of him. "Why are you ignoring me?" He asked.

"M'not." Jungkook said, not looking him in the eyes. Yoongi frowned when the younger tried to walk past him again.

"Yes you are." He said.

Jungkook groaned when he couldn't get past the other. He walked over to the couch and sat down, mocking like a little kid.

Yoongi sat down next to him with Macy in his lap. "Talk to me, Kook."

Jungkook finally looked at him with anger and sadness in his eyes. "Why did you leave me, Yoongi?" He asked. "What did I do to make you leave me, totally abandon me?"

Yoongi looked at him with a sad gaze. "You figured it out, didn't you?" He said, questioning. "Whatever you're assuming, I never meant to hurt you."

Jungkook tssked. "You didn't think about that line again, don't you think?" He said in an angry tone. "Have I ever told you the story about why I got sent here?" Yoongi quietly shook his head. "It all started the day you left..."

"Oh shit are we gonna flashback?" Yoongi asked.

"Dude, shut up." Jungkook said, annoyed. "Anyhoe, it all started the day you left..."

"Dad, he's really gone!" The 15 year old Jungkook screamed as he cried into his father's chest. "Why would he leave me?"

His dad cleared his throat. "Well, maybe he thinks you're too childish." He said. "You're pretty clingy and baby-like and Yoongi is a grown man, he's nineteen, Kook. I warned you about this before. Apart from it being illegal, maybe he wanted something more mature."

Jungkook let out another cry. "What am I doing wrong?"

Yoongi put his tea down. "But that's not true, I thought you were perfect." He said.

Jungkook blushed. "Shut up. The story continues when I tried to get more mature so maybe you'd come back to me"

"You're not getting this job." The interviewer of the company Jungkook was applying to said. "I've seen your CV and sure, it's impressive. But I'm not hiring a fifteen year old."

"You're not original to say that, you know? Everyone has the same old-fashioned fucking mindset and you can't seem to understand how much I could do." Jungkook said, standing up.

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