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THE CURSE DIDN'T DIE QUICKLY. Kinzoku Mikazuki stood in front of the creature, watching as its body turned to sludge, blood and ichor mixing in the grass while black smoke rose in the air. The smell was foul, and although Mikazuki could feel bile rising up her throat, she swallowed it down, averting her eyes and turning back towards the house. Curses were dark creatures that lived on stranger's pain and chaos, spirits that roamed the night and multiplied with sorrow. However, even knowing that, there was a part of Mikazuki that doubted.

The words of the curse kept echoing in her head, like the chorus of a song she couldn't remember but refused to go away. It could have easily been a lie – it wouldn't be the first time she was lied to by a Cursed Spirit. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time she was lied to by the Kinzoku Clan either. Like the curses they hunted, her family was drowning in the same darkness. They had as much blood on their hands as the creatures they so despised.

Mikazuki shook her head, shaking those thoughts away as she circled the house to return to where they started. The sorceress had already taken enough time taking care of her prey, surely Gojo had already finished his part of the work.

Just as she was appearing around the side of the house, the familiar smell of rotting meat and the cursed blood of Cursed Spirits assaulted her nostrils. Mikazuki jumped over the fence, a small smile appearing on her face at the sight of Gojo. Satoru stood in the middle of the clearing, his usually pristine uniform covered in black blood and ichor as he wiped his hands on a piece of cloth, a disgusted expression appearing on his face.

"I see you got the first-grade" Mikazuki greeted walking over to his side.

Satoru nodded before rubbing his hands together once more, ridding himself of what was eft of the blood and gore. The sorcerer sighed, adjusting the headband around his eyes and shooting his companion a curious look. Mikazuki hadn't said anything, and even though her body didn't betray her, he could see the conflict written in her eyes, not to mention the storm he could feel rising in her Cursed Energy. He could see it clearly, too, the penetrating gaze of his Six Eyes seeing through every single layer of skin and bone and right into her tainted soul.

"Yup, it exploded all over my fucking hand. That shit's disgusting." he said, motioning to his now relatively clean hand as he slowly sauntered over to her side "What about you, did you get the other one?" Gojo asked curiously, eagerly awaiting a response while his Six Eyes remained perched on the sorceress.

Mikazuki huffed out a laugh. Although the power of the Six Eyes technique was strong, the Kinzoku had spent enough time with the sorcerer to learn how to block it. It was one of the first things her father had taught her; to use the power of Eternity as a protective mirror, making the hollow eyes of the Gojo Clan see nothing but their own reflection. She was doing it now, and from his locked jaw and balled hands, he could tell.

Still, refusing to make a big deal of it, Satoru leaned against the wall of the house before burying his hands into his pockets, blindfold firmly back in place. Once she was no longer being studied, Mikazuki let out a sigh, taking the space beside the sorcerer as she rested her head against the grey bricks. It was quiet now and the smell was nearly gone, yet neither of the sorcerers was foolish enough to believe this was over – not when there was a third Curse that still needed to be exorcised.

"I got my Curse just fine, that's not what's bugging me" Mikazuki spoke slowly, her eyes following as the clouds passed over her head "What was the info on these things, anyway?" she asked.

There was no way the Curse she had fought against was normal. The creature knew too many things, secrets that such a young Spirit could never have access to. Unless, of course, someone had given it the information. It wouldn't be the first time that the secrets of the world of Jujutsu were blown away by the wind. Satoru shrugged, pulling out his phone and tapping at the screen before turning it towards the sorceress.

"Two workers that died on a metro accident, turns out the contractors decided to cheap out on the materials." Gojo explained as he handed her the phone "Theory is the grief and sadness all clumped together and floated to the surface. They've been haunting the neighbourhood for about a month now, why?"

Mikazuki pressed her lips into a thin line.

"So, no mental illnesses or connection to religious organisations?"

This couldn't be it, nothing made sense. The Curse had clearly known things, said things about her family and her bloodline. Maybe she was obsessing about it too much, maybe those words were nothing but the nonsensical ramblings of a dying spirit. And yet, she couldn't get it out of her head. Satoru frowned, taking back the phone with a slightly concerned expression.

"Nope" he paused, taking in as Mikazuki bit down on her lower lip, a sliver of golden blood trailing down her chin "What's going on?" he pressed.

The woman sighed, brushing the hair out of her face while pushing herself off the wall. Although she and Satoru were on better terms now, she sure as hell wasn't trusting him any time soon, especially with something concerning her family. At the end of the day, the Jujutsu Society was a cutthroat world, and Satoru was a Gojo before he was anything else, just like she was the Kinzoku heiress. He could destroy her and her clan with the information she just learned.

"I don't know, it's just something that curse said" Mikazuki confessed after a while, unsure of exactly how many details she wanted to divulge "But it doesn't matter, we still need to get the special-grade" 

𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now