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KINZOKU HIDE'S HEELS CLACKED AGAINST THE MARBLE FLOORS AS SHE MADE HER WAY ACROSS THE HALLWAY, the sound of children shouting in the distance echoing in the otherwise silent hall. Instead of wearing her usual traditional Japanese attire, the woman was wearing a brown well-tailored suit paired with a white shirt underneath and beautiful cream three-inche heels.

Mikazuki followed closely, nose buried in her notepad and she tried to write down everything she could. Since it was Monday morning, the Kinzoku School for the Gifted was crawling with children of varying ages, most of them were currently in the gardens while the older students were out on assignments. Even during summer, the Kinzoku School was filled with life.

Hide slowed down, the wide hallway they had been running through opening up into a large hall with three sets of giant wooden tables and chairs laid out on each side.

"This is the great hall" Hide announced, gesturing to the room with a blank expression "This is where students take their meals; breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's also where ceremonies and large meetings take place, though since there's still a couple of weeks before term starts, I'll doubt you'll be seeing many of those"

Mikazuki nodded, jotting down the details of the room before she followed her mother out into the yard. The gardens surrounding the school were beautiful and spanned at least ten acres inland, the multiple building that made up the academy spread out across the ground. Hide sauntered off to one of the buildings in the right. It was also made of greystone, the large columns at the side a reminder of western architecture instead of the usual traditional Japanese one at Jujutsu High.

"Since you'll be working with first-years, this is the building you'll be spending most of your time in" she motioned for Mikazuki to follow and the two entered the building.

It was slightly smaller than the previous building, but still large enough to put Jujutsu High to shame. There were a couple of students wandering around, probably on their free period. As soon as they saw the headmistress, they all hurried to the library.

"The first-year dorms are in the next building, you will have a room there. Classes are spread out across the first floor, we teach basics in the morning and jujutsu-related classes in the afternoons. Fridays and weekends are for physical training"

Mikazuki nodded, once again trying to write everything down. The Kinzoku School was far bigger than she remembered, her familiarity with the layout would not be enough to get around. Hide continued to walk, not even looking back to check if she was following.

"Since you're only working part-time, you'll be teaching Jujutsu History at five from Monday to Thursday and then hand-to-hand combat on Sunday afternoons"

The sorceress halted, falling behind while Hide kept on walking, her voice disappearing down the hallway. Mikazuki looked around, taking in the students as they trickled back in for their morning classes. Unlike most Jujutsu sorcerers, the young Kinzoku did have some experience teaching children.

She had spent most of her exile helping out at a local school, the children had been younger than the ones she was supposed to teach now, but she had educated them in world history and a bunch of other subjects the other teachers did not have enough knowledge about. Of course, it wasn't the same as a Master's degree, but it was far more than most people teaching at the school had.

"Are you coming?" Hide asked eventually.

Mikazuki nodded, striding past the students until she reached her mother. The headmistress stopped in front of the window, the stained glass obscuring the view, though the sorceress could still see through the painted squares.

"The first-years have their own training space, both in and outdoors. The second and third-years share the same training grounds" Hide's emerald green eyes fell on her daughter once again "Both weapons and first-aid materials are kept under lock and key, I'll make sure the administration gives you one before the tour is over" she turned around on her heels, now stalking down the hallway.

The next place they reached was a classroom. It was currently empty, but judging by the schedule taped to the wall, it would soon be crawling with eager first-years.

"All classrooms are set up the same, the teaching materials are on the back, kids don't need to bring anything, we provide all the necessary supplies; you'll find those on the cart" the woman pointed towards the small cart that stood next to the teacher's desk.

It was overflowing with supplies; history books, at least ten copies, pens and coloured pencils, erasers and pencil-sharpeners along with a bunch of other stuff Mikazuki did not recognize.

"Your class currently has eleven students, but considering The Magistrate's change in policing for scouting, administration might add two or three more students before the year is over"

The idea of teaching eleven, and possibly more teenagers did not appeal to Mikazuki in the least. Unfortunately for her, now that she had pledged her loyalty to The Magistrate, she didn't exactly have a choice.

Of course, she could refuse in the same way that someone as powerful as she was could refuse anything, but she didn't want to show all of her cards yet. Her father still thought he could kill her sister whenever he liked, and Mikazuki would rather let him think he still could.

Niko was safe, the sorceress had made sure of that. And even if she hadn't, anyone dumb enough to hurt her sister would have to face Mikazuki's wrath. Hide didn't notice the inner turmoil going through her daughter's head, simply closing the door to the classroom and sauntering to their next destination.

They walked for quite a bit, exiting the first-year building and heading towards the back where another smaller building stood. This one was made of glass, similar to a greenhouse but far bigger. Mikazuki recognized the building almost immediately, her heart hammering as she remembered the conversation she and Satoru held at the edge of the swimming pool.

"This is the swimming pool" Hide announced unceremoniously "We use it for endurance and strength training, but both students and teachers are welcome to use it any time. The second and third-years have their own pools, and so does the faculty"

Mikazuki's eyes lingered on the water, watching as it reflected the light from the sun that filtered through the glass ceiling. It was beautiful and spilling with the secrets of an entire generation of Kinzoku. The sorceress stood at the edge of the water, watching her reflection – she could barely recognize herself among the layers of make-up and the pretty clothes the Kinzoku had forced on her.

It was like staring at a complete stranger. Then again, maybe that was the whole point.  

𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now