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IT WAS AROUND SIX IN THE MORNING BY THE TIME KINZOKU MIKAZUKI WOKE UP. She awoke in the arms of a stranger – although, maybe calling Yashiro a stranger was no longer acceptable after the night they just shared, maybe he was something else, now. The sorceress yawned, stretching her arms as she rolled across the mattress, ridding herself of Yashiro's possessive arms. Mikazuki didn't particularly mind, but her body was still reeling, both from the sex and the cuts and bruises still etched into the skin of her back and thighs, the marks of those rats still haunting her even after almost two weeks.

The lawyer groaned as she moved away, blindly reaching out towards the side and palpating the empty space beside him. Mikazuki laughed, covering her naked form with his overpriced shirt, sliding the thing over her shoulders so it covered her bare breasts. The sorceress sat at the edge of the bed, craning her neck before turning towards Yashiro, a kind smile playing on her lips.

The man yawned, brushing his blond hair out of his eyes as he looked up to stare at her. To him, Kinzoku Mikazuki was the most beautiful creature to have ever walked this earth. If only she could see herself through those azure eyes.

"Did you sleep well, 'Shiro?" Mikazuki asked softly as her hand grazed over his exposed thigh, her warm palm resting over his tight skin "Because this is the most sleep I've had in a month" she confessed meekly.

It wasn't a lie. Ever since that damned rat mission, Mikazuki hadn't been able to sleep properly, waking up covered in sweat, her mind swept away by countless nightmares as her body relived the event over and over again. Until tonight – a night she spent sleeping beside Yashiro's naked form, enveloped in a hug under the cheap covers of the hotel bed. It felt like a sign, and if Mikazuki hadn't been so scared about it, she might have noticed.

Yashiro held out his hand, holding Mikazuki's.

"I'm glad I was of service" he joked, tilting his head to the side as he draw circles on her palm "Maybe I'm your lucky charm"

Maybe you are. She didn't say, worried that the words meant something more than she was ready for. Instead, Mikazuki smiled wickedly, letting go of Yashiro's hand and climbing back in bed and over him, straddling the man. Yashiro looked up, watching as the sorceress settled on top of his hips, her hands resting on his torso while she got comfortable. He could feel the heat pulsating between her legs, and if it hadn't been for the calmness in her gaze, he might have gone for a second – third, really – round.

Yashiro ran his hand down Mikazuki's thigh.

"I've missed you" he said simply.

He said it casually, like he couldn't quite get enough of her, like she was something divine and he a worshipping man. Mikazuki chuckled, leaning towards his touch, almost as if her body yearned for his even after an entire night spent tangled in the sheets and within one another. The sorceress brushed her hair with her free hand, pushing her grey mane out of the way before looking back down at the lawyer, securing her hold around his waist.

"But am I the one you miss?" she asked quietly "or is it the hardcore sex?" she questioned, amused.

Yashiro laughed, pushing his head back as the sound reverberated against his throat. Mikazuki returned the gesture, only falling silent when his hand slid up her side, cradling her breast in his palm as he stared at her right in the eyes. The man squeezed lightly and she let out a quiet moan, lust filling her gaze as she licked her lips in anticipation.

"That too, but that's not what I was talking about" he said calmly, letting go of her breast but not before pinching her nipple lightly "I missed you. The way you look at me, at the club or after I've had you" he smiled, carefully watching her expression "the way you straddle me, the way you ride me" the lawyer trailed his hands across her bare stomach, fingers halting when they met the fine line of her caesarean "How you say my name after I've made you come"

Before, Mikazuki would have blushed furiously, the boldness of Yashiro's words frightening her. But that was long ago, and his words no longer made her ashamed. Instead, the sorceress felt enticed, that little flame between her legs lighting up at the devotion in his voice. Mikazuki smiled, the gesture soft but true enough to make a shiver climb up his spine. The Kinzoku leaned forwards, placing a small yet passionate kiss on his neck, lingering over the skin as a light bruise lit up under her lips.

"That's a lot of things to remember about someone" she mumbled against his skin, the taste of his sweat lingering in her mouth as she pulled back "Tell me, Yashiro" she called, securing her place on his lap and placing her palms on his chest once again "Was I that unforgettable?"

She was playing him, now, a fact Yashiro was well aware off and that he also enjoyed. There was something thrilling about the grey-haired sorceress, a mere mortal in his eyes, but even then there was something special about her. A wilderness, a hint of danger – just enough to make her an enticing accomplice. Yashiro's eyes wrinkled as he set his blue gaze on Mikazuki.

"You were extraordinary" he said simply, keeping his gaze locked on hers.

They were fascinating, those precious golden eyes of her. Like an endless sea of heavenly light, a slice of paradise, all tucked behind her irises. It was the gift – and the burden of being a Kinzoku. Keisuke had carried it with pride, but her? She loathed the sight of those golden eyes. The eyes of her father. The eyes of a killer.

Her eyes.

Mikazuki pushed the thought aside, tilting her head back as a genuine laugh fell from her lips. Extraordinary. Who was this man, this mortal, melting her heart with simple yet beautiful words? The sorceress looked back down at him, her hands slowly moving down his chest, exploring every inch of naked skin while the memories of last night passed through her mind. He truly had worshipped her.

"Keep saying things like that and I just might let you take me all over again" she teased playfully, lust sparkling in her gaze.

Yashiro nodded, hand ghosting over her thigh until it reached the fine inked lines across her skin. The tattoo was fairly large and occupied most of her left side, right above the scar that wrapped around her leg. Two intertwined flowers, one in white and the other in black. Yashiro brushed his thumb against the tattoo, slowly trailing over the fine-shaped flowers.

"It suits you well, you know?" he commented casually.

Mikazuki stared down, brows furrowed as she watched his fingers move over the tattoo. It had healed long ago, the art just another reminder of the ten years she spent in exile. But this wasn't a painful reminder – at least, not entirely.

"What? The tattoo?"

Truth to be told, Mikazuki had no intention to reveal that particular fact about herself to anyone, let alone Yashiro who was a mortal and couldn't possibly understand the ramification of Cursed Tattoos. And yet, she forgot to cover it up using her abilities, just like the scar around her midsection and the warped wound on her leg.

She was careless, and now Yashiro had more questions than she felt like she could answer. The sorceress cursed mentally, trying to pull down the hem of the shirt so it would cover the ink. Before she could move, Yashiro gripped her wrist, stopping her.

"You don't need to do that. I won't ask any questions if you don't want me to" he promised.

Mikazuki held his gaze, the hold on her wrist loosening until he pulled his hand back. That was the difference between them, Satoru and Yashiro. They were both egotistical maniacs, narcissists in training with a buttload of dramatism, but while Gojo didn't understand boundaries, Yashiro respected hers. 

𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now