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"Oh" Seichiro gasped, slowly processing his brother's words.

Gojo Satoru didn't do relationships, as a matter of fact, he didn't even do friendships with the opposite sex. Most of the women in Satoru's life were either related to him (like his sister of his grandmother) or quite literally untouchable like Kinzoku Mikazuki. Oh, and Ieiri Shoko, but Seichiro was pretty sure Satoru had slept with that one, too.

Satoru had slept his way through the ranks of the Jujutsu society since he was able to; the sorceresses who were lucky enough to decorate his bed rarely seeing him another time.

Yeah, Gojo Satoru is a slut. Which is why the idea of him wanting to apologise to a woman made no sense at all.

"I did something stupid, something I don't think she'll want to forgive, but I still want to apologize" Satoru spoke after a while, words slipping out of his mouth without his permission.

"Is this about one of your one-night-stands?" Seichiro asked, kind of annoyed that Satoru was calling for something so callous.

Whatever woman he'd enraged, that was his problem, not Seichiro's. But maybe this wasn't a one-night-stand. Maybe this was something – someone – else entirely, someone Satoru cared about enough to change his entire modus operandi.

"No!" Satoru answered, offended "This is nothing like that– she's just an old friend"

Seichiro narrowed his eyes. Satoru did not have old friends, let alone female ones. Still, the younger Gojo closed his eyes, slowly going through every possible woman the man could be referencing. Satoru didn't do male-female friendships – how could he, when he slept with every single one of them?

"Is it Ieiri? Because if it is any bottle of Vega Sicilia will do the trick. That woman loves drinking"

Satoru sighed, an annoyed expression crossing over his features as he rubbed his forehead.

"It's not anyone you know" the sorcerer tried to explain, but even as he said it, he could almost make out Seichiro still trying to figure it out "Can't you just help without asking so many questions?"

Whatever, it's not like he would ever actually realise the truth, out of the four of them, Seichiro had never been the smart one – then again, neither were any of the other two Gojo boys. Seichiro thought about it for a second before releasing a loud sigh, static crackling as he did.

"Fine" he agreed "You said you wanted to apologise, right? A gift usually does the trick" Seichiro paused, trying to think of the last time he had apologised, which considering who he was married too, probably wasn't that long ago "When Mieko and I get into an argument, I usually get her something nice like a necklace or a new pair of earrings"

Gojo Seichiro craned his neck, gaze falling on his wife who was training on the courtyard, a beautiful string of blue diamond pearls strung around her neck. He had gone all out on that one.

"Does she like jewellery?" he asked eventually.

Satoru paused, the question catching him off guard. The sorcerer closed his eyes, the question echoing through his mind like a broken record. Kinzoku Mikazuki was not a subtle woman, yet she didn't wear much jewellery aside from the necklace she hid always hid under her shirts – yes, Satoru had noticed. The sorceress had her ears pierced when she was child, but she only wore earrings to dinners and formal balls.

"I don't think so, she usually wears very plain clothes with no accessories"

Seichiro hummed, amusement written all over his features. Satoru wasn't the kind to notice these details, and yet it seemed this mysterious woman was the exception.

"Maybe you could get her a box of chocolates or a pretty candle – girls love that, don't know why" Seichiro shrugged, walking back into the house and stopping at the kitchen to take a snack "then again, it depends on the kind of girl she is and whatever it is you did" he paused, curiosity getting the best of him "is it bad?"

Satoru took a deep breath. Is it bad? Oh yeah.

"I'll be lucky if she ever talks to me again or looks in my general direction"

Seichiro grimaced

"Damn" he said simply "then you might want to go for something a little more personal, something expensive but that isn't too over the top"

Whatever that meant. Satoru shuffled uncomfortably once again, checking the time before walking back to the flower cart. The old lady was still busy with the customer, and so the sorcerer took the time inspect the flowers set at the front. Gojo didn't recognise any of them and the colours all blurred together – there were many white and pink ones, but at the back he spied a bunch of bright red roses and purple petals.

"I could buy her a ring" he said, thinking out loud.

"A ring?" Seichiro repeated before furiously shaking his head "No, nope. Never give females a ring unless you're planning to propose" he paused, thinking over his words "Unless that's what you're going for"

Satoru hesitated, words turning to ashes in his mouth. He didn't tell Seichiro he'd already given Mikazuki a ring – they were supposed to be wed, it make sense at the time, and he also didn't tell him he'd never asked for it back. It was the family ring, the same one Seichiro had requested to propose to his now wife, and the same he'd been denied because Satoru gave it away.

The sorcerer sighed before kneeling in front of the cart. Tucked under the front wheel was a nice plump bouquet of soft pink peonies, the petals soft as feathers. Satoru stared at the flowers, a soft sigh escaping his lips. Those were Mikazuki's flowers – she always wore them stitched in her clothing, her hair smelled heavily of them, too.

"Flowers" he said simply, a sincere smile playing on his lips as he caressed one of the petals "She always smells like them, it'll be a nice reminder"

And maybe on a different day, that would have been too much information to share, but on that particular Tuesday morning Satoru didn't seem to mind. The sorcerer continued to stare at the flowers, picking them up and taking a long lungful of air. They did smell like her.

"I don't know, Satoru... depending on what you did it might not be enough" Seichiro tried, but his words didn't seem to reach him.

Satoru shook his head, holding out the bouquet to the old lady. The woman nodded, taking the flowers and carrying them to the back so she could trim them.

"I've already made up my mind" Satoru announced to his brother while he pulled out his wallet "Thank you for your help"

Seichiro sighed, not even bothering to point out that he wasn't of any help. Instead, he stood there, telephone pressed to his ear as he heard the woman preparing the flowers over the line. He remembered doing something similar when he first met his wife – right after making a huge fool of himself. On that day, Seichiro walked to that same district, buying a large bouquet of yellow carnations.

Satoru pulled out his wallet, but just as he was about to pay, he stilled, gaze falling on something else. There, right beside the counter, stood a small vase of hydrangeas – the white ones with the long stem, the kind he remembered Keisuke always talking about. The sorcerer paused, unable to tear his gaze from the flowers.

It felt like a sign.

"Could you add those, too?"

The woman nodded, pulling the hydrangeas out of the vase and stringing them together with the peonies. Once the bouquet was ready, Satoru smiled, swiping his card on the reader and walking back into the street. The sun was high in the sky, a completely cloudless blue staring down at him. The sorcerer adjusted his sunglasses, the glare of the sun a little too much to bear for his sensitive eyes. Just as he was fixing his glasses, his eyes landed on one of the large skyscrapers that surrounded the district, a white FOR SALE sign strung on the top floor.

Satoru cocked his head to the side, looking down at the flowers one last time.

"You know what, Seichiro?" he spoke onto the phone "Maybe you're right, maybe flowers won't be enough" 

𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now