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GOJO SATORU LET OUT A TIRED SIGH AS HE CROSSED HIS ARMS IN FRONT OF HIS CHEST, his blindfolded gaze following on the people in front of him. The sorcerer was currently standing in the breakroom at Jujutsu Tech along with a bunch of other teachers and staff members. The small room was crowded and Satoru could feel the cursed energy linger in the air. Masamichi Yaga stood on a small platform, a serene expression on his profile as he faced the crowd.

A sting of murmurs and quiet whispers echoed in the crowd as the group became restless. Yaga cleared his throat, the sound startling group as their eyes darted towards him. Rumours had been growing rampant since the beginning of the week – with classes starting in less than four weeks, the staff had slowly been settling back at the school, and with new faces came new policies. Nothing official had been said yet, and although Satoru knew exactly what The Magistrate had planned, he still felt restless enough to join in with the anxiety.

"Thank you for coming today" principal Yaga greeted, his expression hidden under a pair of dark shades as he addressed the crowd "I know there's still a month left before back to school season, but I have some important news to share with you"

As if animated by his speech, the whispers grew. Satoru held his gaze, nodding along silently while Masamichi's grip on the clipboard tightened. The Principal had never been particularly good at public speaking, and although he was more than used to dealing with overbearing parents and insistent clan leaders, he hated it nearly as much as he hated this.

"The Magistrate has issued some new rules that will be implemented at the beginning of the term, meaning things are going to be different now"

Gojo held his breath at the confession despite the fact he already knew it was coming. Still, hearing it out loud being spoken by someone he trusted felt different. Before, it was just some distant warning that didn't even register. Now, it was the inescapable truth slowly seeping in into his life. Satoru had never been a big fan of changes, and now his entire life was being set aflame by one single person.

Kinzoku Mikazuki.

Why was it always her? Even before, their engagement had tilted the world on its axis, and now, it seemed they were doomed to repeat the same history, over and over again. The crowd grew quiet, almost as if they were also mourning the loss of normalcy. Jujutsu Tech had been lucky enough to avoid being trifled with by The Magistrate for a long time, yet it seemed they'd finally fallen back in line.

"Now, I know Denki and Kunio will be leaving before September to return to their full-time teaching positions at the Kinzoku school, so that will leave two new openings" Yaga explained peacefully "Kinzoku Mikazuki will be filling one of those positions while the other one will be taken over by Soga Masahiko" he continued, words turning to ash in his mouth as he watched Satoru's expression fall.

Gojo grimaced.

"Why here?" Satoru asked, the exasperation in his words so clear Denki almost chuckled "I'm sure the Kinzoku can find her something else to occupy herself with"

Yaga rolled his eyes. The Principal sighed, tapping the clipboard with his long fingernails and adjusting his glasses. When Satoru didn't elaborate, Denki snorted, leaning on the sorcerer's side and fixing Masamichi with an expectant stare.

"As I just told you, these orders come from The Council of Magistrates" Yaga answered, still not meeting Satoru's gaze "Mikazuki is a fully-fledged jujutsu sorceress, special-grade. We don't have many of those around anymore"

Satoru groaned.

"You have me" he tried, putting emphasis on the me while Denki eyed him with something suspiciously similar to pity in his gaze "you have Satoshi – even Eshima could help to pick up the slack, she's set to graduate by the end of the term"

𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora