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THE OAK DOORS SLAMMED BEHIND HIM, leaving the two sorcerers alone in the square along with the shattered remains of the bottle. Mikazuki eyes the mess, flicking her cigarette butt into the mixture and watching as it ignited. The fire was small and burned itself out quickly, yet the sorceress never took her eyes off of it. Satoru pushed his hands into his pockets, turning to look at the Kinzoku. He was wearing a pair of expensive black sunglasses, which matched perfectly with his Armani single-breasted suit and his waxed shoes, red socks peaking from underneath his pants.

"What is wrong with you, letting him play you like that?" Satoru accused, his tone filled with poorly contained rage as he stared down at the sorceress.

Mikazuki rolled her eyes, leaning against the wall of the church as she eyed him carefully. He looked handsome – Sene had clearly instructed her grandsons well, or at least the oldest. Satoru didn't seem amused, holding her stare as the glare of his sunglasses hit her right in the face. Mikazuki flinched away from the light, wincing lightly before crossing her arms over her chest.

"Satoshi is more powerful than you know, egging him on is a reckless move on your part" Gojo announced, expression falling slightly as he tilted his head to the side, as if regarding the woman in front of him under an entirely new light "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" he asked, seriously.

Mikazuki scoffed, shaking her head.

"Don't make me laugh. Satoshi and his dumb Four and a Half Eyes are no match to my Everlasting"

Or my Eternity. Or my Endless. Or any of the other tricks you don't know of. She didn't say, holding his gaze silently instead. Satoru might have been her partner, but she wasn't ready to trust him any time soon, especially after everything that had happened lately. The man didn't change his stance, simply snorting.

"Be careful with that train of thought. One might think you believe yourself to be invincible, and we both know how that particular story ends"

Was it a warning or a piece of advice? Either way, she didn't need it, especially coming from a man who was willing to sell himself to The Magistrate, willing to kill his best friend simply because it was the 'right thing' to do.

Mikazuki huffed out a laugh.

"You're the one who knows. You're the one who killed Suguru, you were also there when Keisuke was found" she cocked her head to the side, eyes glowing wickedly "Maybe you're the one behind the attacks" she accused before her face fell once again "but I guess I make a better story, don't I?"

The sorceress laughed, the sound hollow and bereft of any life. Like she'd resigned herself to this role, yet the resentment never quite went away.

"The sorceress who comes back from exile looking for revenge, destroying every and anyone who ever dared to question her. The girl society forgot" she was bitter now, and Satoru could almost taste it.

Mikazuki held her head high, golden eyes colliding with his ocean blues even through the thick glass of his glasses. He could see the pain and the resentment in those eyes, yet he could also see something else – something far more dangerous than anything he had ever seen before, something he didn't think he'd ever see again.

It was a promise. The same one she made that day as she was being dragged away in chains, the same one she hailed at those ninety-nine people that stood over her, condemning her to a death sentence she had no way to live through. And yet she did, but her gaze never changed. Neither did those eyes of hers, the hatred just as palpable as the last time she'd seen her.

"I am the righteous hand of God, and I am the devil that you forgot" she quoted, her stare unflinching.

She didn't finish the words. But with Gojo Satoru, she never really needed to. He knew that song by heart, the lyrics stuck to his psyche like a broken record. He'd poured over it countless nights, but for once, he wished to never have heard those words again, because he knew exactly what came next.

I am the righteous hand of God,

and I am the devil that you forgot

and I told you one day you will see

that I'll be back I guarantee

and that hell's coming, hell's coming

with me

Mikazuki hadn't come back to make nice, nor mourn her twin's death. She'd come to burn everything to the ground, and in that single second, Satoru realized he couldn't let her. He could see it clearly, now. One day, maybe someday soon... he would have to kill Kinzoku Mikazuki.

And she knew it, too.

"You need to stop this crusade against The Magistrate or things won't end well for you" Satoru warned, words choked out of him.

Mikazuki rolled her eyes, yet the gold around her didn't waver, almost as if it could recognise the threat hidden in those words. The Kinzoku might have playing a game, but her Everlasting was certainly not, and while Mikazuki could get careless with her safety, her gold never did.

"Or... what?" she asked, looking up at him "Are you going to kill me, too?"

Satoru's expression never changed.

"Only if you leave me no other choice"

The sorceress nodded, pushing herself off the wall and giving the man one last look before stalking off.

"Good" Mikazuki stepped back, keeping her gaze on Satoru "Because I know I won't hesitate to take you out if you get in my way, Gojo Satoru"

𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now