26. I Will Have You

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Winnie had decided to leave the room she had originally found sanctuary in.

That room now contained a secret that no one could ever know.

That she grieved her father's passing.

That she wished for him to come back to her.

So that she could have a possibility of a father who loved her.

But that was impossible.

And Winnie felt guilty.

She felt as if she was betraying all those who had suffered at her father's hands, including herself, by feeling that way.

So she decided she needed to cry those tears, relive that memory, and bury her wish.

And she did the second she left that room.

Winnie had instead wandered the hallways and come across another room.

It was still completely intact, unlike the last one she was in.

She entered to see the wallpaper was covered in a navy-blue colour, with small golden and silver stars painted all over it.

The small chandelier hung from the ceiling was also decorated with small glass star ornaments.

It was as if the room was meant for her.

Little did she know, it was.

Nikolai had set it up for her arrival.

Winnie noted there was a large window that was half of a dome on the opposite side of the room.

There was a blanketed seat underneath it so one could sit and be completely surrounded by the window, the view of the sky being in full sight.

The shadow summoner decided to sit on that very seat, despite the sky being lit by the sun.

She had been so entranced by the wonderful room; she hadn't shut the door behind her as she walked over to the seat next to the window.

After a few minutes of sitting with her thoughts she heard footsteps approaching her.

But it wasn't the sound of footsteps that made her breath hitch.

It was the sound of a cane banging that accompanied them.

Winnie had her head and back turned to the door and considered if she should take this moment to hide in her shadows.

She didn't wish to see him.

She had thought about what her best move would be.

And she had almost entirely settled on Ravka.

The one thing that could change her mind would be Kaz Brekker.

But what she needed from him could never happen.

And it would be easier for her to go to Ravka.

No emotional goodbyes.

No disappointment.

No squashed hope.

But before she could decide what to do, Kaz was already in the room.

He had stopped a few paces behind her.

His own eyes were looking out of the same window, his hands both rested on his cane in front of him.

Winnie was resting her back against the right side of the wall, her head turned so that it would be facing the view instead of the boy.

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