10. The Calm Before the Storm

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Now that the Dregs had listened to Kaz's commands, the group of six no longer had to stay in either the tomb or Wylan's warehouse.

Instead, they were put up at a small inn. Each having their own room.

Winnie made sure to take one that was as far away from the others as possible. As far away from him as possible.

The moments she had shared with him in the tomb were playing on a constant loop in her mind. One that she couldn't seem to pause.

The way he had looked at her. The way he had spoken to her. The way he had held her hand.

Winnie always found herself weak in those moments. It didn't matter how much she rationalised with herself when she wasn't in his presence, he would always hold the ability to melt away any voice in her head telling her that wanting more wasn't logical.

It terrified her.

He had such a hold on her.

And the last person Winnie wanted to have such control over her emotions was Kaz Brekker.

But the heart was an arrow. It demands aim to land true.

To Winnie, Kaz Brekker was a walking bullseye.

So as she laid her head down on the pillow of her small wooden bed, she thought of him.

The image of him standing in-between her legs back in the tomb entered her mind and she allowed herself to envision what it would have been like if he had continued further.

His other gloved hand would have raised up to her chin, lifting her head gently so she was looking up at him.

He would speak softly, asking for her permission to take it further.

And once she had accepted, he would slowly lean towards her, closing that Saints-forsaken gap that always found its way between their lips.

Winnie felt her heart stop and her breath hitch.

Completely consumed by desire for what was about to happen.

But instead of the gentle feel of his lips against hers, she heard his voice begin to sound out.

You're dumb enough to care for me.

Winnie moved her head back and out of his hand.

I will never want you.

Winnie looked at his face. The soft expression he had worn was gone and instead one of pure loathing and hatred stood in its place.

I have never told you to stay.

I want you gone.

I want you dead.

Winnie opened her mouth to protest, but no words came out. She couldn't speak.

I will never feel the same way about you as you do me.

Winnie watched on in horror as the boy she loved stared into her soul, crushing it with every word.

Suddenly, his face morphed into Jesper.

None of us have ever truly believed in you.

A mistake. When I slept with you.

You are nothing to us.


Winnie couldn't stop their words by using her own and so she tried to move her hands to bring them up to her ears to block them out instead.

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