21. Separated

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Winnie felt incomplete.

The Fold was no longer inside of her.

And she couldn't quite remember what that had felt like.

She was immediately reminded as she peacefully rested during the journey away from Shu Han towards Ravka.

The group had quickly moved on from the abandoned barn and found their way back to the ship that Zoya and Tolya had used to get to Ketterdam.

It was a smaller version of the larger flying ship Nikolai would use as a privateer.

Winnie told Zoya to sail them to the Grisha fortress where she was told to meet with Alina and Nikolai once she had the blade.

Considering her father had already moved the Fold she assumed a battle had already begun.

And she knew this time she wouldn't leave room for error.

Her father would die.

And she would make sure of it.

But she would need her energy to do it.

She was no longer equipped with the added power the Fold provided her with.

If she had any chance of holding her own in this battle, she would need as much strength as possible.

The rest of the crew seemed to be totally in favour of her suggestion that she should rest as they travelled.

Jesper had even set up a place for her to lie down.

As she slept, she wasn't interrupted by the usual voices inside of her head taunting her.

She didn't feel the unease of the darkness stirring inside of her.

Eventually she rose naturally and heard the faint voices of the others towards the back of the ship.

Winnie herself was tucked away right at the front under a small blanket.

It wasn't the most comfortable resting place, but Kaz had offered her his coat to rest on.

Well, not exactly offered. He had placed it down in silence and walked off before Winnie could say a word.

It was a surprising gesture.

And one she appreciated greatly.

Winnie could smell his scent underneath her which helped her to calm down.

As she lay awake, she allowed her mind to wander.

During her face off with Mace as she removed the final piece of the Fold from herself, she had been snapped out of her trance by a statement from the shadowed boy that stood in front of her.

Remember who you truly love.

In that moment she hadn't thought of Mace.

Instead she had thought of Kaz Brekker.

The Bastard of the Barrel.

And when she turned her head to meet his eyes, she knew that's who she truly loved.

And that meant that she could finally let Mace go.

Because she had someone else to fight for.

Someone else her heart had chosen.

The pain from losing Mace would be counteracted with the feelings she had for him.

But now she had a new problem to face.

She was leaving him.

She was leaving Ketterdam.

If she emerged from this battle alive that was her future.

A Coin Has Two Sides (Season Two) || Kaz Brekker x OCWhere stories live. Discover now