24. Where Do I Go From Here?

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Winnie wasn't in the mood for an interrogation.

The floods of questions she received from the group weren't for her to answer.

Not yet.

She had left Alina, Nina, Zoya, Inej, and Mal.

She didn't know if there were more nichevo'ya lurking around.

She didn't know if Mal was alive.

She didn't know what she was feeling.

And when she thought about it harder, she realised that she didn't know because she wasn't feeling anything.

Her father's passing hadn't made her joyous or fulfilled like she thought it would.

It hadn't made her sad or grief stricken.

She felt no remorse or regret.

She felt no satisfied vengeance.

She felt nothing.

When she arrived in the fort and laid her eyes on the nichevo'ya she automatically understood what her life was going to be like.

They will find someone to turn the blame upon.

Don't let that burden fall to my daughter.

Soon you will fall to the darkness.

You are too weak to be the exception.

That was her future.

Another fight.

One that was complicated in nature.

Because she just might be the villain.

Winnie had felt more confidence in herself than ever during her triumph over her father.

She knew that she had the ability to control it like he couldn't.

He had even told her that himself.

But the last remaining shadow summoner was now left with a question.

Will she turn into the monster her father became?

Winnie knew that answer wouldn't come for a while.

And she had more important things to attend to.

As she pulled herself from her shadows, she saw Mal sat upright in Alina's arms.

He's alive.

Inej and Zoya ran over to her as she approached them.

"What happened? Where did you go?" Inej asked quickly.

"There was a nichevo'ya in the fort. It was after Nikolai and the others. Kaz, Jesper and Wylan too. I had to stop it before it could ..." Winnie trailed off.

"And did you?" Zoya asked.

Winnie nodded and pulled forward another piece of her black hair.

"Another addition. It seems like I'm going to be collecting these like Jesper collects debts."

Inej was too concerned to laugh as Winnie's comment.

"How many more are out there?" she asked.

"I'm not sure. But I know that leaving them to roam free isn't an option. Not if it means my fathers' darkness still holds a place in this world to inflict suffering on innocent lives. That ended today. And I will see it through", Winnie responded as she glanced over to her father's dead body.

Seeing him lay dead made something inside of her flinch.

His darkness.

Her darkness, now.

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