23. He Needs Her

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Kaz had been walking for what seemed like hours along with the rest of the group before they reached the entrance to the Fold.

"Still no sign of Kirigan", Nikolai said as they approached the dark wall of shadows.

Kaz recalled back to the first time he stood in front of the Fold.

He remembered the look on Winnie's face when she saw it.

He remembered how she broke down in a panic, just like he had back in Shu Han.

He remembered how he was moved to comfort her.

He remembered that she faced her nightmares that day and every day that followed.

Surely, he could do the same.

Surely, he could face his own nightmares.

So that he could be with her.

So that they could fight their demons together.

"We go in, we find Alina and Winnie", Nikolai said as they stood as close as possible to the entrance.

Kaz limped over to the prince and held out his cane, "Here".

He had been walking next to Nikolai and each time he put weight on his injured leg he let out a wince of pain.

Kaz simply couldn't take hearing him make the same sound over and over again.

"Don't you need it?" Nikolai replied.

"I've got more experience with pain."

With those words Nikolai took the cane and led the group into the Fold through the wall of shadows.

Kaz remembered the last time he was surrounded by the darkness.

The cold feeling that rose throughout one's body.

The uneasy feeling in one's stomach.

The danger and the fear being difficult to swallow.

But he took a deep breath and swallowed it anyways.

Winnie was in here.

And she had suffered through this place's worst nightmares.

If she could enter this place to fight, so could he.

Her strength would give him strength.

Kaz limped on his leg without his cane as the group walked through a stone archway to reveal burning weaponry and scattered bodies of fallen soldiers.

"Follow me", Tolya instructed after the group hesitated to take in their surroundings.

The group quickly headed inside the fort and Kaz was walking just behind Tolya with Jesper to his left through a hallway lit by candlelight.

Faint sounds of volcra had not only him but everyone on edge as their eyes darted outside trying to locate the monster's whereabouts.

It quickly became clear as Tolya quickly stopped walking and extended his arms out to stop everyone else.

Kaz's eyes focused on two volcra standing at the end of the hallway.

Immediately they sensed the presence of the group and came stampeding in their direction.

Tolya opened a door to Kaz's right and the group quickly ran inside.

A fight to keep the door closed ensued between Tolya and Tamar and the volcra.

"Metal hinges. Jesper", Kaz heard Wylan say from behind him.

Jesper quickly ran up to the door and sealed it shut using his Durast abilities.

A Coin Has Two Sides (Season Two) || Kaz Brekker x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon