14. May They Guide Me

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Winnie walked back into the inn with Jesper and Nina in front of her.

She hadn't forgotten about the room she had destroyed unintentionally. Someone would demand money for it or simply beat it out of her.

Oh, the wonderous Ketterdam.

Kaz, Wylan, Inej, Zoya and Tolya were all sat up at the bar.

Almost the second she stepped through the door, Inej stood up from her seat and ran over to her, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank Saints you're still here", she whispered in her ear.

"I could never leave without saying goodbye", Winnie said with a soft smile.

As soon as Inej pulled out of their embrace, she was immediately held in the tight arms of Wylan.

"I was so scared that you had left me with all of ... them", he said.

Winnie chuckled and pulled herself back from his tight grip.

"You're one of the strongest of us, Wylan. You could've handled it if I did", she said, making Wylan smile slightly.

Her eyes shifted upwards to see Kaz staring daggers in Jesper's direction as he walked towards them.

She slowly started walking over to the bar with Jesper to her right as Inej, Wylan and Nina joined Zoya and Tolya at the bar.

Kaz met them in the middle.

"I see you couldn't help yourself, Jes", he spat as he handed Jesper a small paper passport.

Jesper gave him a glare before taking the paper and walking away.

"You have your freedom. Why are you choosing to come with us instead of going straight to Ravka?" Kaz asked as he took a step in towards her.

"I'm not here for you", Winnie snapped coldly.

Kaz looked her up and down, slightly taken back by her response but didn't dare let her see it.

"I'm here for Alina. Getting this blade will help her more than I could if I joined her now. It can destroy the shadows. All I can do is add to the chaos", she added.

"So much for your constant desperation to get out of here and back to Ravka", Kaz replied, matching her cold tone.

Winnie took in a deep breath.

This was going to be a long and stressful job.

If she was going to endure Kaz at all she would need to take moments like these and be the bigger person.

It might even help keep her darkness down.

"I'll secure my own passport", she said before walking past him towards Zoya and Tolya.

"Long time no see, Marth", Zoya said, ensuring to get her name right after the earlier threats she had received.

"It's an honour to meet you, Miss Marth", Tolya greeted and held out his hand.

"Winnie", she said with a smile as she shook his hand.

"I've been informed on your courageous stance against the Darkling by Prince Nikolai and Alina. I am glad to be fighting beside you in this war", Tolya added.

"I wouldn't know about courageous. Or any other words Nikolai may have used to describe me. But this war is one I am willing to sacrifice anything for to win", Winnie said confidently.

"You will be vital to bring justice to Ravka and Grisha. I hope we can count on you to stay on our side", Zoya chimed in.

"Charming as always, Zoya. How's everyone been holding up so far?" Winnie responded.

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