7. Pain

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Winnie hadn't been passed out for very long as when she awoke, she could still see the darkness outside the small tomb windows.

The small stone room she was laying in was lit by a few candles that Kaz probably placed in there before they had arrived.

The small flames provided some heat to the room, but otherwise it remained fairly cold.

After all, it was a tomb. The main occupant wasn't exactly fussy over the heating.

"Winnie, thank Saints you're awake", Nina said from where she was standing over her right side.

Winnie tried to sit up and Nina offered her arms as support for her to lean on.

"How long have I been out for?" Winnie asked, blinking her eyes open.

"Not long at all, actually. Maybe thirty minutes?" Nina replied.

Winnie nodded and looked around the barely lit room.

She was sat on a stone table in the centre where Inej and Nina had laid her down. There was an open archway to her right where she could hear the faint voices of Jesper, Kaz and Inej.

"Looks like Pekka made a move on more than just the Crow Club when we were away. He bought out all of Fifth Harbour", Kaz said.

"Winnie's currently passed out on a stone table. She's obviously taken some serious damage. The novice nearly lost his head, Inej has a gash on her shoulder, and the heartrender took a bullet, but no worries. At least you're on top of Pekka's corporate holdings", she heard Jesper say.

His tone was serious and filled with anger. Something Jesper wasn't prone to using.

But Winnie was. And she was in total agreement with her sharpshooter friend.

Her main source of damage may not have come from Pekka and his men, but Kaz had let all of them risk their lives to get his hands on a book.

Winnie had always been one to care more about those she loved than herself.

And so knowing that all of them had almost been killed made her foam at the mouth.

But what made her even angrier was that she didn't know why.

She wasn't new to Ketterdam. She understood the risks involved with every job and she was always willing to take them if the job was important enough.

But with every job, there was always a reason behind it. And it was the reason that Winnie focused on when it came to deciding if she was willing to risk her life and let her friend's risk there's.

When it came to the job to capture the sun summoner, Winnie knew her reason for tagging along was to find Alina and get her away from her father.

She knew Kaz's reason was to trade her off to Dreesen in exchange for a life changing amount of kruge.

And right now, Winnie knew her reason for taking down Pekka was to not only get her own back for what he had done to her but also to sever her ties to the gang leader once and for all. With a side bonus of her friends getting back their home.

But what was Kaz's reason?

One thing Winnie had picked up on was that Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason.

But he always has one.

And it infuriated Winnie to not know what it was.

Especially when the stakes were so high, and the lives of her friends were at risk.

"Do you want me to let them know you're awake?" Nina said, taking notice of Winnie staring at the archway listening into the conversation behind it.

"No", Winnie replied sternly.

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