E1: Family Holiday.

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The summer before The End, which took place in January.


We're going camping!

I, for one, am very excited. I bounce in the car as Apollo announces we are five minutes away from the campsite. All eight of our kids are coming with us, luckily Grace and Ava can drive so they have taken some of the girls and luggage. We've been on the phone with one and another to check up on the kids. We have Atropos and Isaiah with us, Grace has Artemis and Isaac, that leaves Ava with Athena and Aphrodite. They're all so excited.

We pull into the campsite, sign in and find our pitch. We have a decent sized pitch, so Grace and Ava will share a small tent with one of the quadruplets, maybe. And the rest will go in the big tent with us.

"Alright, here we are." Apollo says as she turns off the car. I hop out and take in my surroundings.

It's a massive field filled with other campers and mobile homes with a good span of horizon, making sunrises and sunsets beautiful, I'm sure. There's a play park that I just know that Aphrodite is dying to play on, and so much open space where I can see other kids playing soccer and football. I can see the shower and toilet blocks near the front of the site and the whole thing must be about an acre or two big. It's really nice.

"Do you wanna take the kids to the park while set up the tent?" Apollo asks, hands on her hips making her look very desirable.

"You don't want any help?"

"Nah, besides, Grace and Ava can sort out their own tent so all I've gotta do is ours." she shrugs.

"Suit yourself." I grin, kissing her and turning my attention to the kids, who have now communed at my feet.

"Can we go to the park, Mom?" Aphrodite asks, hugging my legs and swinging around.

"Race ya!" I challenge as I take of in a sprint to the playground. I hear the kids giggling behind me as I run. One thing that I am not particularly fond of is that the kids have inherited Apollo's speed, so they catch up to me easily and overtake, winning the race to the park. The youngest twins are waddling along, they haven't been able to run but they're one years old, they've only just learnt to walk.

"Beat you, Mom! You're so slow!" Apridite teases.

"Hey! It's not my fault that you're all like the Flash!"

"Mama's fault!" they all chant.

"Good girls." I smirk.

I've gotten them to blame their Mama for their assets like speed, smarts and incredibly gorgeous faces. I find it hilarious when the just all say, "Mama's fault" at the same time, it makes me giggle.

The youngest twins cling to my legs as their older sisters play on the park. I like to play with them, but since I have the babies, I can't do all the running around.

"Up." Isaiah mumbles with her binkie in her mouth. Her blonde hair has grown so much and it's very thick for an infant. We can already put it in a ponytail, but Isaac doesn't like her hair in a ponytail, so put it in two braides for her. In fact, the quads and the twins' hair grew in really fast, Apollo said she was like that, as was the rest of her siblings. Her Mom had thick hair when she was younger too, so maybe it started with her?

I pick up Isaac and Isaiah soon follows. Might as well, while they're still small.

"Mom? Can Artie push me on the swing?" Aphrodite asks.


It means I don't have to do it.

The twins cuddle into my neck and I bounce them while I walk back to the car. They probably want a nap and the car is relatively quiet. I see Apollo just finishing the exterior of the tent.

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