XVI. First.

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Halloween. My favourite time of the year. Hayley, Raphie and I have a tradition where play a massive game of hide and seek with Mom and Mama at midnight. So we end up doing all nighters.

The challenge doesn't start until after nine o'clock, so I can take the girls trick or treating and spend the day with Evan, because Mama said I can.

I let myself in through the front door. The house is eerily quite. No rambunctious five year olds and no sexy but stressed Evan chasing them around.

"Hello?" I called into the silent house.

I close the door behind me and walk through the living room.

"Evan?" I call again. Her car is in the driveway so I don't understand where she has gone. I head to the kitchen to see if they're in there.

"Happy Birthday, Mama!" they cheer. All three of them wear party hats and there's a cake on the counter.

"Wow. You guys remembered!" I exclaim, coming closer to them. I look at the cake which read, Happy Birthday Mama!

"There's another cake that the kids can't see. I made it myself." Evan winks at me.


She replies by kissing me on the lips. I kiss her back but with more passion.

"Mama! We got you presents!" Grace tells me.

"Did you?" I ask, pulling away from Evan.

"Yeah, but Mommy has them. Mommy, could you go get Mama's presents, please?"

"Only because you asked so nicely."

Evan was out of the kitchen but I was able to smack her ass in time and she let out a small yelp. I hear the girls giggle.

"Shall we go sit in the living room?" I suggest.

They nod and we all head to the couch and cuddle there until Evan comes back.

"So, there's quite a few," I hear Evan start, holding about six gift bags, "My Mom and my sisters got you some stuff as well."

She places them all at my feet and hands my a pile of different coloured envelopes.

Opening the top on, I see it's from either Grace or Ava.

To Mama,

Happy Birthday and I love you so much. Lots of love, Grace.

I thank and hug Grace for my card. Ava's said pretty much the same thing. So I repeat my hugs for her as well.

I see one with neat handwriting and know immediately who it's from.


You're finally eighteen. The amount of possibilities that are open to you now are endless. You'll graduate soon, you can go to college or whatever. You can get married and have some fun, if you know what I mean (;

Happy Birthday, babe, I hope eighteen treats you well. I love you lots,

Evan xx

I look back up at Evan who has a suggestive smirk on her face and something between my legs wakes up. Since when did this happen?

We continue on with cards until the presents.

From the girls, I got a cute teddy bear and a soft snuggie. They know me so well. Evan got me a new pair of shoes I've been drooling at, some nice new t-shirts and something sentimental for me which was matching necklaces which had A+E on a dog tag. She knows how much I love dog tags, I have about thirteen already. We put them on as soon as I unwrapped them.

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