XIV. Accepting.

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Standing in front of my coworker and one of Apollo's older sisters is something else.

"Evan? What're you doing here?" Bennie questions.

"You know how you said you wanted to meet my girlfriend? Well, here she is..." I gesture to Apollo.


"Yeah." Apollo says, scratching her back.

"How long has this been going on?" Bennie looks kinda mad now. Which is understandable.

"We've been going out for two and a half years."


"Hey, Apollo? Are you finished with dinner? I am starving!" one of Apollo's sisters asks, coming from nowhere.

"Yeah, but just wait a minute." Apollo answers.

"Wait, so you two have been together for almost three years and none of us knew?" Bennie raises her voice a little.

"Relax. It's not that big of a deal." Apollo reasons.

"She's five years older than you, Apollo!"

"You think I don't know that? What about Billie? Jamie is five years younger than her. Did you ever get mad at her?"

"No..." Bennie sulks.

"So how about you be accepting of Evan, just like you were with Jamie and everyone else in this family."

There was a moments silence and my kids look sad. Apollo disappears down the stairs to get her sisters or something.

"I'm sorry, Evan." Bennie says, walking over to me and embracing me in a hug.

"It's okay. I get it. You love Apollo, you want the best for her."

"So, who are these little cuties?" Bennie questions, pulling away as her hyper and confident self seeping back through.

"These cuties are Grace and Ava." I answer, gesturing to the girls as I say their names.

"Grace and Ava, huh? You look just like your Mom. What do you guys think about Apollo?"

"Do you mean Mama?" Grace corrects.

"That's the one."

"We love her! And Mommy and Mama always tuck us into bed and sing to us. Sometimes Mama will read to us and tell us things when she was a little girl. She said that her Mommy and Mama are the best but we think that our Mommy and Mama are. What's your name?" Ava explains.

"Oh really? My Mommy and Mama are your Mama's Mommy and Mama, so that makes me your Auntie Bennie."

"Whoah. Your eyes are so cool!" Grace comments.

"Thank you. I think they're cool too."

"Mommy! Look at Auntie Bennie's eyes! Aren't they awesome?"

"So awesome."

Apollo comes back up the stairs with her triplets hot on her tail, as well as another blonde woman. There are a lot of blondes in this family.

"Billie? Can you go get the twins and the parents please?" Apollo asks one of the blondes on the couch. She nods and disappears into the hallway on the left.

"Ms Jeffreys? What're you doing here?" Hayley questions, scratching your head.

"You'll find out." I wink and turn to my kids. "Let Mama take you to wash your hands, okay?"

They both nod and follow Apollo to what I assume is the bathroom. I wash my hands in the sink because why not?

Apollo leads us into the dining room, a blonde woman already sits their and she's eyeing the food. I get the kids sat down on either side of me and Apollo sits in the other side of Grace, to the right. Everyone else comes in and I get confused looks from most of them. I fill mine and Ava's plate while Apollo does Grace's and her own.

"So, this is my girlfriend, Evan. We've been dating for a couple of years now, so it's not a recent thing. I thought I should finally tell you guys." Apollo explains to the confused women.

"Okay, that makes a little bit more sense." Hayley nods.

"Is she the girl at the theatre group you tell me about?" Raphie bounces in her chair as she shoves some chips in her mouth.

"Yeah. Way to drop me in it, Raphie." Apollo sighs.

"Wait, you told Raphie first?" Bennie gasps.

"I didn't tell her directly who Evan was. I just told her about feelings for her at first and how I love her now." Apollo shrugs.

Once all the confusion is cleared up, it was time for introductions.

"I guess I'll start, I'm Ruth."

"Its very nice to meet you, Evan. I'm, Billie."

"Yeah, I can't believe Apollo kept this a secret for so long. The name's Danny."

"I'm Kathryn."

"And I'm Eliza."

"Are all of you gonna be our Aunties? And are Tina and Kate going to be our grandmas?" Grace asks. She gets nods in in answer.

"You haven't met Jordyn and Zoey yet. They're the cool ones." Apollo whispers to Grace.

"I heard that." Bennie warns. Apollo only chuckles. The rest of dinner goes by smoothly. These women are very down-to-earth. Easy going.

We finish dinner and Apollo leads me and my girls down to her room. It's a lovely little space that doesn't have much but a bed, a desk, a sensory swing, some drawers, a closet and a few posters on the walls.

Ava and Grace immediately ask Apollo to go in the sensory swing and she helps them in.

"I think I'll call the other two." Apollo thinks aloud. She pulls out her phone and texts Jordyn and Zoey, I assume. After a few minutes, she starts face-timing one of them, who I see to be Jordyn.

"Yo." she answers, mid chew.

"Hey, what're you up to?"

"Just chilling, with some food and Doctor Who. What about you? How come you called?"

"Well, I have someone I think you should know about. Her name is Evan and she's my girlfriend." Apollo points her phone at me so I can see Jordyn. I immediately recognise her.

"Holy shit! Evan, how've you been?" Jordyn gasps.

"I'm great! What about you?"

"I'm good, how's Ashton? Did she get good grades after?"

"A's and A stars. Now she goes to med school and working to become a doctor, I think. But it was all thanks to you."

"Man, that's crazy."

"I'm sorry. How do you guys know each other?" Apollo asks.

"Jordyn tutored Ashton back in high school and helped her pass, everything really."

"Well, that was easy." Apollo shrugs.

"Yeah, I guess so. Anyways, I'm gonna go, I need sleep, up and early tomorrow. Goodnight, Apollo. Love you. And it was good seeing you, Evan."

"Goodnight Jordyn. Love you, too."

"It was great seeing you, too Jordyn. Night."

Jordyn hung up and not long after, she rang Zoey. She's a nice woman. Zoey said she wished she could be there but duty calls. I'm not too worried about it, though.

The rest of the time I was at Apollo's was spent with her and the kids, until we had to go home, bathe and go to sleep.

I wonder how different class is going to be now that her sisters know. Hell, work will be different because Bennie knows. And they both have a few other relatives who work in the school.

Welp, one step at a time I guess.

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