II. Very, You.

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"Hey, kiddo, how did auditions go?" Mama asked as we got through the front door.

"They went awesome. I got in. I'm going back tomorrow for rehearsals." I say.

"That's awesome! Do you have any new friends yet?"

"No." I mumbled.

"Don't worry, I had a hard time making friends, even now. It'll be okay." Mama said, patting my shoulder. I nodded and went downstairs to my room.

Even though I got in, I'm still nervous. Especially with that beautiful girl, Evan, around.

I was in a gay panic the whole time I was on stage with her. She was really nice and I had to 'wooh' her, things will be no doubt, awkward now.

I stare at my ceiling, think about how I'm going to keep things less awkward when I hear a soft knock on my door. I know who it is, instantly.

"Come in, Raphie." I tell her.

She opens my door and peers in.

"Hi, Apollo." she grins.

"Hey, you. What's up?" I smile back. She always manages to make me smile.

"I just wanted to come in and talk to you." she says innocently.

"In you come, then."

She walks in and carefully places herself next to me on my double bed.

"How are you?" she starts.

"I'm good. I went to the theatre today. I'm gonna be a performer there. Isn't that cool?"

"Whoah! So you'll dance and sing on a big stage?"

"Yeah! How are you?"

"I'm good. I practised the drums today and Mama said I was really good. Milo said I look hot, what did she mean?"

"She means you look attractive when you play."

"Oh. Milo is silly." she giggles.

This was routine for Raphie and I. Every time one of us came home, we'd talk in my room about our day. And if there was an evening where this ritual didn't happen, one or both of us would have a meltdown. But hey, that's triplets with autism for you, I guess.

We talk some more until Mama calls us up for dinner. By this time it's about five thirty PM.

We all go upstairs, by all I mean myself, Raphie and Hayley. Jordyn and the twins' rooms are upstairs. Lucky sods.

We all eat in the dining room together. Mom looks bothered, she's very uncomfortable and won't stop shifting in her seat.

"What's up, Mom?" I ask.

"Apollo, I'm just worried about you. I don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with, it could really damage you if you do." she rants.

"Mom, I'll be fine. It was just weird at first. People are weird. It's gonna be okay." I reassure her.

"Okay, but if anything goes southward, you tell me, yeah?"

"Of course, Mom."

She nods and we all go back to small talk at the table.

We complete the rest of the day as normal, and I lie in my bed, curious as to what tomorrow at rehearsals will bring.


"Hey, Apollo. Welcome back! You're a tad bit early though." the director says.

It's three thirty. I am well aware I am early.

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