XVII. The Game.

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"Are you ready?" Apollo asks me.

"Ready for what?"

"The game!" she chuckles.

"You've gone insane."

"No, I have not. Remember when I told you about the hide and seek game we play on Halloween every year?"

"Yeah, I do. Why?"

"We're doing it in pairs this year, so you're playing."

"I'm going to play hide and seek with you guys?"


"I don't get a choice, do I?"

Apollo shakes her head.

"What are the rules?" I sigh.

"The game is played in the dark. Your spot has to good enough to survive until three AM. we can text each other about the finders' where abouts but we can't say where we are. We cannot make a noise until we're found, obviously we would have quite whispers but that's it, no other noises. Billie and Danny's rooms are off limits because of the girls and we cannot leave the house. When we're found, we have to text the others so they're not just hiding for a long time for no reason."

"What does the winner get?"

"It's a different prize every year. Last year it was a new car. And my car is pretty nice." she wiggles her eyebrows.

"You won last year?"


"Wow, I have good faith in you."

"As you should."

As we are in Apollo's room, I pull down her hoodie a little and see the hickeys.

"That's a lot."

"Have you seen yourself?"

So we left our fair share of hickeys on each other, so what? I personally like all of mine, they make me feel loved.

It's about eight thirty right now, so that means in half an hour, the game will begin. I wonder what the prize will be this year. And will it be something that both Apollo and I will benefit from?

"Have any ideas where we're going to hide?" I question.

"Yes, but I can't tell you just in case they're listening."

I nod at her secrecy. We head upstairs for a last minute snack before the game, as well as go to the toilet because we won't be able to within the next six hours.

"Are Hayley and Raphie hiding together?"

"Yes. I wish them good luck because obviously they're both kinda tall and find it difficult to fit into small spaces. I can, even though I'm tall. I hid in a spare freezer a few years ago." Apollo shrugs.

"Okay, then. What about me?"

"You're small. I'm not really worried about you."

"Well, thanks."

Nine PM rolls around too quickly. Tina and Kate tell us how much time we have, which is fifteen minutes, all the lights are off and we all know that Billie and Danny's room is off limits.

Apollo's parents leave the house so we can hide without them knowing where we are. As soon as they do, my girlfriend takes my hand and takes me downstairs.

She leads us to a cupboard under the stairs and I wonder if Harry Potter is in there for a brief second.

Apollo let's me in first before following and shutting the door. We go to the higher end of the cupboard and I hear Apollo's breathing ascend above me. I'm left confused for a minute.

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