XXXVI. London.

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"What's going on?" Jordyn asked.

"So," I let out a breath, "We all got drunk last night and after Melissa took us back to our room, we fucked."

"I heard." Chelsea says.

"Oops. But now Apollo is hurt because I have bitten and scratched her body and it's bad."


"How did you two manage after... You know?"

"I got Jordyn to lie on her stomach until it scabbed over. But you said you bit Apollo? She's gonna have to go and get a tetanus shot." Chelsea explained.

"A tetanus shot?"

"Yeah. I'll come and assess her first, though." Jordyn said.


I lead Jordyn to our hotel room and Apollo is in the bathroom, looking at herself. Still naked.

"Oh, hey." she said when she noticed Jordyn.

"This is worst than what I had. Does it hurt?" Jordyn asked, assessing Apollo.

"A little." my fiancé shrugged. "I look so badass though." she flexed in the mirror. Jordyn scolded her to be still though.

"Totally. Someone is gonna come up to and ask 'what happened?' and you're gonna say that you had sex." I laugh.

"You're gonna have to clean those. And the bites should be okay. I'll get Ruth to have a look."

"Ruth is mean though." Apollo whined.

"I don't care. It's either she checks over you or you die."

"Fine." Apollo rolls her eyes and scoffs.


Ruth checked it. She said she'd be fine, just keep them clean and don't get them infected. Apollo was scowling the whole time as Ruth scolded her.


My fiancé and I lie on our clean sheets, the poor staff, next to each other, just staring at the ceiling. I'm thinking about the wedding, I have no clue what Apollo is thinking about.

"Do we have any plans with the Royals today?" I ask.

"No but I believe that the wedding rehearsals are tomorrow and only Raphie and I have to attend. We're her maids of honour. She couldn't pick so she chose the both of us."

"Who would you want as your maid of honour."

"Either Jordyn or Raphie. Or both. You?"

"I'm gonna steal Bennie because my sisters are too annoying."

"Fair enough."

"Are you excited for the wedding?"

"That was a dumb question. Of course I am. I'm so excited to adopt Grace and Ava. I love them so much, I can't even describe it."

And I can't even describe how it makes me so happy to hear Apollo confess her love for our kids.

When I first met her, she was this, shy thirteen year old who was really tall and my one year old daughters were obsessed with her. Then she asked me out at fifteen and now were getting married in less than two months.

I never thought that Apollo would love the kids as much as she does, to be honest. I always thought that she wouldn't be comfortable as a parent at such a young age when we started dating. So to see just how much her love has only grown in the last three years we've been together is almost paralysing. You can feel the love, the power, she emits, its so strong that its overwhelming.

"What're you thinking about?"

"It's nothing you don't already know." I wink

"No, I wanna know. Whatever it is, it's put the most gorgeous smile on your face. I like that smile."

"Well, if you must know. I'm thinking about you. The power you have. The love you give. It's something different. It's life giving."

"Oh." was all she said.

"I can't wait for our wedding. And I can't wait for our future kids. They're gonna be just like their Mama, I can see it. Maybe they'd have my smile or my eyes, but they'll be just like you because you are the most attractive force out there, Apollo."

"Let's stop talking about this now."


"I feel uncomfortable."

"Okay." I sigh.


Apollo left to go to the rehearsal a while ago. So the girls and I have gone exploring in London. We saw the Big Ben clock tower, obviously Buckingham Palace, per their request, like we haven't already been there, we went on the London Eye and I was scared but the girls loved it.

I took them to see the Shard and they asked how they made the glass that big, so I explained that there are little windows stuck together. That's pretty much what the outside of it is though, right?

We bought some souvenirs and took lots of photos. Ava wants to show them all to her Mama and Grace wants her to try British candy. So we bought quite a bit and I have to say, they are probably the second best thing known to man.

The first?


Christina told me that I haven't lived if I haven't had a Greggs. I literally died and came back to life when I tried some of the pastries, we got quite a few to try.

I have lived now, and I don't ever want to leave the UK. Ever.

"Mom! Look at the birds!" Ava shouted at me, pointing a flock of pigeons in front of us, just walking around.

"They're pigeons, Ava. There's a lot of them, huh?"

"I think they want my Greggs." she says, suddenly protective of the paper bag in her hand.

"Just don't drop any. They'll leave you alone that way."


I laugh as she carefully eats the sausage roll. We're sat on a bench because our feet hurt from all of the walking around we've done. So much walking and running after the kids with a lot of bags. Not fun.

Just down the street, a busker sings and the chatter of people surrounds the place.

"We should get back to the hotel. Come on." I finish my pastry and start to grab all of the bags.

"I'll carry some bags, Mom." Grace said. For some reason, she reminded me of Apollo when she said that.

"Thank you, Grace."

All of the bags are relatively light so she was able to carry about three. Ava felt like she had to take one, so she did. That's a lot less pressure off of me and a lot less running around the kids will do. Win-win.

We decided to walk around London from the hotel, so we had to walk back.

When we get into the room, we see Apollo on the bed, mindlessly scrolling through her phone.


She looks up and the cutest smile pulled across her face.

"Hey! I missed you. Where have you been?"

"Mom! Show Mama all of the photos we took." Ava orders. I handed my phone over to Apollo before going to take my shoes off, which felt like heaven. I lie down next to Apollo on the bed while she flips through the photos, Ava and Grace explaining each one.

"I like that one." I hear Apollo say.

I look at my phone to see a picture of us all on the London Eye, looking at the rest of the city below us. I asked a random woman who was there with us to take it, she was pretty cool about it.

"Can we get it printed when we go home?" Apollo asks.

"Yes, babe. Of course, we can."

The rest of the afternoon was spent like this, up until dinner.

But that's okay because we were able to finish it off after dinner with candies and cuddles.

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