XXVIII. Together.

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I wake up to Apollo nuzzling her face in between my shoulder blades and her hand running up and down my stomach. She must've lifted up my t-shirt.

"Good morning." I sing.

"Good morning. Do we have any plans for today?"

"I was thinking we could go to the mall?"

"We can do that. Maybe we could look at dresses for the wedding. For you and the bridesmaids."

"Yeah and we could go look at some suits. Also, Grace wants a Mama-daughter date and Ava wants a Mommy-daughter date and they want to look for nice outfits. I think they planned this."

"I could also take Grace out at some point. Maybe tomorrow since there's only so much of the public I can handle in one day." she chuckles.

"Sounds like a plan. Are you on breakfast duty or am I?"

"I'll do it. But I'll tell you what you can do for me."

"What's that, my dearest, Apollo?"

"You can cuddle me while I make breakfast. I like it when you do that."

Over the week that Apollo has lived here, we have already picked up a new routine. She makes the breakfast for us all before school and work while I am glued to her back as she whizzes around the kitchen, then she'll take the kids to school and does most house chores for me, mainly because there are some she doesn't know how to do yet, and she even brings some lunch into work for me. I know what you're thinking, people will recognise her, I go and get it from her car so she won't have to come into the school. At the end of the day, she'll pick up the kids and we get to have dinner as a family. On Fridays we have a movie night. That was last night and we watched Captain Marvel.

"Consider it done."

We get up and head to the kitchen, but on our way there, we see the girls asleep on the couch, cuddled up to each other on Grace's pillow. The sight makes me melt. They definitely aren't like this when Apollo isn't around.

In the kitchen, I cling to Apollo as promised as she makes pancakes and bacon. A personal favourite of mine. While she does her work, she asks me a question.

"What about social media? Will you want to be on the channels or no? And the girls?"

I take a deep breath before answering.

"I don't mind my voice being on social media, or my body, I just can't have my face and name out there. I will only allow the the girls' voices be put online."

"Can you think of an alternative name for yourself?"

"Mrs Apollo." I smile.

"Mrs Apollo?"

"Yeah, I'm your Mrs. Even if we're not married yet. I'm still your Mrs and you are mine."

"Mrs Apollo it is."

"Why'd you ask?"

"Hayley wants me to 'vlog' more. I hate doing it. I only ever post on Instagram and sometimes TikTok. But other than that I'm pretty absent when it comes to social media. I'm focused on other things."

"Like what?"

"You. The kids."

"Are you going to vlog more?"

"I could try but we'll see how far that commitment goes. Do you still want to come to the gym with me? I can book you in on the weekend, next week."

"I'd love that, babe."

The girls could smell the bacon and subsequently woke up.

"Is that bacon?" Grace yawns as she lazily walked into the kitchen, Ava following behind.

"Yeah, it is. Go sit at the table. Breakfast is done." I tell my girls.

We all eat breakfasts together and we tell the girls about our trip to the mall today. They were obviously excited and scoffed down their breakfast to go and get ready.

This is our life. Even if it's only been a week. There are more weeks to come, but this week has been very excitimg for all of us. We can be a family now. No more hiding. No more secrecy. Just a family. I wouldn't have it any other way.

This was a filler chapter, obviously. I couldn't be arsed to write about the mall but I wanted to get this chapter out of the way. Bruh, cadets drained me tonight, it's unreal.

Have a good rest of your week :)

-HW xx

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