Chapter 11

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Written 4/11/23

It's been 6 months, plus it's my birthday! I've never been happier. Sal and I have been hanging out almost every second, and we started dating right after we hooked up.

Those six months have been the best of my life. I even tagged along on a tour that the guys went on. I've made a few appearances on the show, and I gained a lot of followers on my socials since I did my face reveal. I used to post multi fandom edits, and still do, just not as frequently. I'm more busy with traveling and starting to focus more on my relationships.

I mean, only hanging out with your brothers friends can seem a bit sad. Your BROTHERS not you own. But, they're my friends now. Brian and I are the sibling duo that every friendship needs. I'm still glad I started to hang out with the guys. But I'm sure it'd be nice to meet some other people on my own. But... that might not be a good idea, based on my past. SO I'm happy just the way life's going, and I plan to keep it that way.

I sigh, sitting up. My thoughts keep running, but I have to get ready. My 31st birthday, life's moving to fast. Some of my family's coming over, even from Italy. My Nonno is something special. I'm just hoping he doesn't say anything about my relationship with a man that's 17 years older than me. Well, technically 16 years and 5 months, plus 22 days. I'm a 4/28/93 kiddo. ANYWAYS Nonnos always supported me, depression, toxic friends, everything. I love him with my entire heart. But he is a bit much. But when he does see Brian, he loves him. He's not biological to him due to me being Brian's half sister, but Nonno treats him like he's his own. But i hope Hilaria comes. She's my favorite person, apart from Brian and Sal. She's my best friend, one of the few people that keeps me here. Her and Nonno are the people I visit in Italy. Plus some of my other family, but mostly Nonno and Hilaria. Hilaria's on my Nonnas side, but she travels with my grandfather when visiting the states.

Hilaria always has good judgment. She's almost always right about people. She always hated Y/e/n, always told me to leave him since the beginning of our relationship. One time when visiting, Hilaria tried to break me out of the house. Break me out? Tried to help me escape. Y/e/n didn't like that whatsoever, so he tried to lock her out. Hilarias about 5'4, so you would think she couldn't fit into small spaces, right? Wrong. Girl crawled in through an open window I left open. When she got in, she unlocked the door for Brian to come in. I had to distract Y/e/n for the entire time. I was so scared, but I held onto that hope. That's when Brian got me out. They worked together and they both saved me. I owe them my life. I really do.
But apart from that, I'm so excited Hilarias coming over. Plus Nonno, this parties gonna be so entertaining. I can't wait for everyone to meet each other.

I put on my iconic makeup (big ego mascara + the carrot cake lip gloss ofc <3) and got ready to pick up my Nonno from the airport.
But as I got ready to go to the airport, my nerves were rushing. I was so excited. I get to see my Nonno! I missed him so much! 6 months is a long time, after all!

I called Brian and we were soon on our way to the airport, and I was jumpy with excitement.
"Jeez, I know you're excited, but is being that shaky necessary?", Brian asked. "I can't control it.", I smile, "I'm so happy!". "I can tell.", Brian laughed.
After a few minutes, we made it to the airport. As we waited for the plane to land, Brian and I got Dunkin dounts, which made me even more happy. We even got recognized and had taken a few pictures with some fans.
And after about 30 minutes, the plane landed.

I rushed over to the waiting area where you walk, hoping to see my Nonno. And guess who else was there? Hilaria!

"Cugina!", she screamed, causing people to look. I ran over and jumped into her arms. "Mia Y/n!", my Nonno yelled. I slide off Hilaria and hugged my grandfather.

I pull away a smiling mess, "I missed you both!". "I did too!", Brian said. "Oh, Brian, your show is hilarious! It always cheers me up!", Hilaria hugged Brian. "Thanks, Ari.", Brian said, "Now who's ready to party?!". "I just want to sleep.", my Nonno states, causing me to laugh. "Zio Ray! He slept the entire plane ride!", Hilaria explained to us. "Hey, it's Nonno! He's unpredictable.", I giggle. "Esattamente!", Hilaria laughs. "Let's just go, you can sleep in the car, Ray.", Brian said, grabbing my Nonnos suitcase. My Nonno just grunts in return.

As we're sitting in the car, Hilaria and I are chatting. Her speaking Italian, and me understanding. I can speak a few words, but understand most of the language. Brian just looked lost.

We talked about the boy Hilaria was talking to and how he seemed like he was the one. Nonno was just snoring in the background, not caring whether he was bothering anyone or not. He's just like that. That's just Nonno Ray.

When we reached my house, Brian immediately got onto his phone, and I could hear his keyboard clicking like crazy.

As we walked to my home, Brian was a smiling mess, and so was Hilaria. And Nonno just had the plain expression on his face like always.

When I unlocked my door, I saw balloons everywhere.

"What's going on-", i then got cut off by a bunch of cheers and 'happy birthday's'.

"Happy birthday, Y/n!", Hilaria grabbed my shoulders and gave me a hug. "Happy birthday.", Brian gave me a hug right after Hilaria let go.

"Awe. Thank you all!", I smile. "Where's can I sleep?", my Nonno asked, obviously exhausted. "You slept in the car.", I say. "Ok, and? I'm still tired.", Nonno rolled his eyes. I sigh, "My beds over there.".

All of a sudden, Sal comes up and kisses my cheek, "Happy birthday, Y/n.". "Who are you?", Nonno asked. "Oh, I'm Sal. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.", Sal reached out to shake my grandfathers hand. "Are you Y/n's boyfriend?", Nonno asked. "Nonno, please.", I beg. "I'm just asking!", Nonno makes a motion with his hands, trying to get his point across. "I am her boyfriend.", Sal said, "And I just want to say Y/n is a amazing girl and I'm lucky to be in her life.". "You better. If you hurt her, I'll make sure you'll regret it.", Nonno looks Sal up and down, "But until then, you have my blessing.". I smile and give Nonno a hug, "Ah, you had me scared, Nonno!". "Sí, Sí. Now let me sleep.", Nonno waves me off and heads to my bed.

"You were right when you said he was special.", Sal sigh, "I don't think he likes me very much.". "Eh, he'll warm up to you. He just doesn't trust anyone because of Y/e/n.", I shrug.

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