Chapter 5

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Written 4/5/23. Tw- idk. Ig it's kinda sensitive idk

"Really? All of a sudden you want to hang out with my friends?", Brian looks at me with a weird look, "You're positive you're not trying to hookup with my friends?". "Yea, I want to have a gangbang with Joe, Sal, and Murr. That's my dream.", I say sarcastically, "No, I don't want to hookup with your friends.". Brian sighs, "Y/n. I've known you your entire life. I can tell when your lying. Please tell me it isn't Murr.". "Oh my f- No! It's not Murr!", I say. "So it is true! You like one of my friends!", Brian walks closer to me, "Which one?".

I back away, "Oh, G-d, I'm sorry! Please don't get mad! It's not my fault!".
I feel tears welling in my eyes and I back into a wall, blocking my face, "I'm sorry!".

As Brian walked closer, I didn't feel any pain, i just heard a sigh, "I'm not gonna hit you. I'm not mad. I'm just confused on why it has to be my friends. Why couldn't it be some guy from Italy?".

I wipe away my tears, "I don't know. I- I haven't felt this way in so long. It's so out of the blue. I don't understand what's going through my head. I-I... I just don't. I tell myself not to fall in love with Sal, I do! I just can't get it through my head.".

"It's Sal?", Brian asked. I nod. "Jeez, Y/n! Why couldn't it be Joe?". "I'd prefer it to not be with anyone!", I snap. "Don't give me that tone.", Brian says. "You're my brother! You aren't my parent! I'm not a kid!", I sob, trying to walk away.
"You can't walk away from this! I know you walk away from all your problems, but you can't walk away from this! From you trying to fuck your brothers best friend!", Brian yells and grabs my wrist. "Let go!", I scream, "I'm not trying to fuck him! He seems like a good person! He seems like he would care! He seems like the opposite of you know who! That's why I like him, ok? From what I hear from you, he seems like the best guy in the world! Maybe that's why I like him, alright! Why can't you get that through your skull! Fuck this, fuck you! I'm leaving! I can't take this shit anymore! See you in hell, asshole!".

I sob and run into my room, slamming my door and locking it.

I grab my suitcase and start throwing all my things inside. All the necessities.

"Open this door, Y/n! Open this fucking door!", Brian tries to get the door open but I barricade it by pressing my body against it.

"No! You're gonna hit me! I don't want that! I can't take this anymore!", I scream, grabbing my hair and pulling on it, "Fuck you! Just let me go! Let me leave! I don't want to deal with this anymore!".

"G-d, Y/n, hold on! Don't do anything you'll regret! Don't make me feel like shit, ok? Don't hurt yourself! Remember how that makes others feel! Imagine how that would make Maria and Rosie feel! Forget about me, just don't leave Maria and Rosie behind!", Brian yells, "Don't do anything stupid!".

"All I do is stupid! I am stupid! If you've know me my whole life, you'd know I'm an idiot! I always make everything about me! I'm taking you away from your friends, I wanna date your best friend, I stole the love that was supposed to be for you! I took it all. It's my fault! Everything's my fault! I dated fucked up people, I became friends with even worse people! It's always about me! I hate it! I hate my life!", I scream. "Fuck everyone else! Think about what you leaving would do to me! You keep me here, Y/n! You're apart of the reason I want to keep going! I can't have you leave me! I'll text the guys and reschedule for as long as you want! Please don't hurt yourself!", I could hear Brian's voice quiver. "I'm sorry.", I cry, "I am. I really am. But I'm to much. I'm too much to handle. I'm your stressor. I'm like a kid to you! You have to watch over me like I'm a baby! I don't want to push you to the point where I'm at! Just let me go! Please.". I start to crawl away and over to my bed. Before I could reach under my bed, the door burst open.

Brian ran over and grabbed me, pulling me away from the bottom of my bed. He threw me over his shoulder and then onto the bed. "How many times do I have to say you aren't a bother to me! You aren't a stressor!", I looked at Brian and his eyes were a bit red.

"Were you crying?", I ask, wiping away my tears. He didn't answer. I started crying, "I made you cry! I made you cry! I made you upset! I shouldn't be that important to anyone like that! I'm stupid! I worthle-". "Shut up!", Brian yelled, "Don't say that! I'm sick of you saying that! You can't let other people put you down! I say you're stupid because I love you! I make fun of you because I'm your brother! That's what siblings do! Hear that? I love you! And I can't say it enough!".

I feel a wave of nausea hit me, "I'm gonna throw up.". "This is what happens when you work yourself up! You need to stop with that bullsh-", before Brian could finish his sentence I ran to the bathroom, flipping the toilet seat up just in time before I puke.

I start to cry, throwing up is so painful. I hate it. I the everything.

I hear a ringing before it stops. "Fuck. Y/n, I'll be right back.", Brian says. I see him lift the phone to the side of his head and whisper a 'what'.

Imagine it's Sal. Imagine he can hear me.

All of sudden that feeling hit and again and I throw up the rest of my lunch.

"Dude, I really can't talk right now. I'm busy... I know, I know... Im sorry. I can't tell you why it is, but someone close to me is struggling at the moment and I don't know if I can hang out for a bit. We're gonna have to shoot another week. I know. Yea, tell everyone else. Bye.", Brian says before walking into the bathroom.

"Please tell me that wasn't Sal.", I say, tears running down my face. Brian didn't answer. "Fuck! Now he knows I'm a fucking unstable bitch!", I say before gagging. "You're seriously gonna let yourself go through this for some guy?", Brian says, "I thought you weren't stupid.". I laugh, "Yeah, well, I'm very deceiving.". "You're such a Smart ass. And that's why I love you.", Brian said. "Thanks.", I smile, "You're a good brother.". "And you're a sister.", "Screw you.", "Love you too.".

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