Chapter 4

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Written 4/4/23 and 4/5/23

I couldn't sleep. I keep waking up. I cant get Sal off my mind. I haven't felt like this since... im not even gonna mention his name... it's gotten to the point where when I was asleep, I had a dream about Sal. Let's just say we did something. I've had dreams about hooking up before, but that was when i was way WAY younger.

And remember when I said, and I quote, "I'm not falling for my brothers best friend. No. Never in a million years.". Yea, that was a lie. I am falling for my brothers best friend. Sal Vulcano.

Y/n Vulcano. Has a nice ring to it.

But is a boyfriend worth losing my brother for? Is it really? My brother will be in my life forever. A boyfriend could be temporary. But what if Sals not? What if he becomes my husband? Becomes the father of my kids? What if he's my soulmate? He could be. He really could. But again, is losing my brother worth it?

G-d, i wish I could ask Brian. But I don't want him to get mad at me. I don't want him to get mad at Sal. I don't want to ruin their relationship.

Hell! I haven't talked to Sal one on one! You know what. Im going to talk to him. Im going to talk to Sal Vulcano.

Weirdo- yo can I hang out with you guys tom?

I waited a few seconds until I got a ding coming from my phone

Funny man- sure. You miss me already?

Weirdo- nah. I just want to hookup with your friends.

That's not a lie. At least for one of them.

Funny man- Stop fucking around. It's not funny

Weirdo- fine. But seriously y'all make me feel a lot better and I should introduce the guys to Maria and Rosie.

Funny man- don't let Maria bite them. You need to train that thing.

Weirdo- have them get some treats and I'm sure Rosie won't bite. And Maria's not a thing.

Funny man- Rosie doesn't bite in general. It's Maria im worried about

Weirdo- Fine. I won't bring them. Happy?

Funny man- Extremely.

Weirdo- jk. The guys are meeting my piggies.

And with that I turned my phone off and put it on silent.

I walk over to Rosie and Maria's cage and grab some hay.

"Heya, cuties. I missed you so much! But did you miss me?", yes, I talk to my piggies, they are like my children, "I'm sure you did.".

I pick up Rosie due to her being the non biter, but make sure to give Maria some hay.

"Tesorino, sei tutto per me! (My darling, you are everything to me!"", I smile and place Rosie to my chest, "Ti amo. (I love you).".

I hear a squeak and look down to see Maria staring at me.

I sigh and place Rosie down, scratching Maria's head, "Listen, every time I pick you up, you bite me. I've learnt my lesson.". Another squeak come from Maria and inhale, "Fine.".

I reach my hands over to Maria and grab her. She then sniffs my hand but doesn't bite. I awe and then try to lift her up, and then the bite comes.

"Ah! You little shit!", I look at my hand and see a bite mark, "This is why no one likes you! I'm the only one!".

I realize what I said and I sigh, "Sorry. I lost my temper. You know I love you.".

"Isn't that toxic?", I hear a voice and I yell, turning around as fast as I could, "Forgiving someone who does that on purpose? No matter how many times you do it, you never learn your lesson.".

It was just Brian.

I yell in anger, "You crap head! You scared me!". "So you call your 'children' curse words and your brother censored ones? Now that's logical.", Brian laughed. "Fuck off. And no, Maria's not abusive. She's an animal. She doesn't have the same brain power. Power? I don't know... we have.", I hear a squeak and feel a tinge of guilt, "Sorry.". "You talk to them like they're people. I know you're not the brightest, but cmon.", Brian walks over and leans down to look at Maria, "You're special, just like your mom.". "Hey! See! You're saying I'm her mother! That means she's my child! Get your shit together.", I roll my eyes. "I'm messing with you. Learn to take a joke.", Brian laughs. "Learn to make one.", I say. "Good comeback.", Brian walks off, causing me to follow him, "You're such a butt face!". "Real mature. I thought you were 30.", Brian walks over to my fridge and opens it, "I know you don't get out much but you need to go to the grocery store when you do. Your foods depressing.". "Shut up. And how'd you even in my apartment?", I ask. Brian lifts his hand and jingles his keys, "Like I said. You're not the brightest.". "Yea, well, you're quiet!", I sigh. "Whatever. I got plans with the guys.", Brian explains, "See ya tomorrow.".

This is my chance, I can do this,

"I know we're hanging out tomorrow, but can I come with you?".

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