The white witch

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When we arrived at Aslan's How, everyone dismounted as Lucy ran out.  Several Narnians stood, watching.  Peter and Caspian traveled in front.  The tension was thicker than the scales of a dragon.  Peter was clearly enraged.

"What happened?"  Lucy asked, innocently.

"Ask him."  Peter answered, nodding his head towards Caspian.

"Peter."  Susan scolded.

"Me?"  Caspian asked.  "You could have called it off.  There was still time."

"No there wasn't, thanks to you."  Peter said, turning to fully face my friend.  "If you'd kept to the plan, those soldiers might still be alive right now."

"If you stayed here like Diana and I suggested, they definitely would be."

"You called us, remember?"

"My first mistake."

"No.  Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people."  Peter spoke, beginning to walk away.

"Hey!!"  Caspian shouted.  "I am not the one who abandoned Narnia."

"Or who led those men to their deaths." I added.

"You invaded Narnia."  Peter said, pointing an accusatory finger.  "You have no more right to lead it than Miraz does."

Caspian began striding towards the tomb, tired of this, but Peter was far from done.

"You, him, your father!  Narnia's better off without the lot of you!"

Caspian let out a shriek and they both drew their swords, pointing them at one another.

"Stop it!"  Edmund yelled.  They both turned and saw Glenstorm and Edmund place Trumpkin on the ground.  Trumpkin, He's injured.  Lucy and Trufflehunter ran forward.  Lucy dropped to her knees and pulled out her cordial.  I turned around and saw Caspian walk into the tomb, Nikabrik behind him.  I stood and walked past Peter, making sure to bump his shoulder with mine.  He sent me a glare but I ignored him.

I had made it half way to the tomb when i got a flashback of the man's face of which I'd slaughtered.  I stutter-stepped and leaned against the doorway, hand on my head.  I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to force the image out of my mind.  I shook my head to try to heal it from this poison, and entered the cave.

I sat down, leaning against the wall, resting my head against it.  I closed my eyes and saw the man again.  My eyes shot open and i stood, walking around the corridors to clear my mind.  I heard shouting and felt a cold gust of wind.  I let out a shaky breath and realized i could see it.  My eyebrows furrowed.  Something wasn't right.  I turned a corner and saw Caspian, Nikabrik, and two figures i didn't recognize standing before a sheet of ice.  Inside the ice, was the White Witch.

"Wait."  Caspian said, backing up.  "This isn't what I wanted."

The creature to his left grabbed him and held his arm out.

"One drop of Adam's blood and you free me.  Then I am yours, my King."  The Witch spoke.  The creature to Caspian's right drew a knife.

"No."  Caspian said.  The creature drug the blade along his hand, ignoring his pleas.  The White Witch brought her hand through the ice, awaiting Caspian's move.

"Caspian!  No!"  I shouted, running in the room.

"Stop!"  Another voice shouted.  I turned around and noticed Peter rush into the room, Trumpkin and Edmund following, drawing their swords.

The werewolf now had its cloak off, and leapt at Edmund.  Trumpkin was fighting Nikabrik, and Peter was fighting the other creature.  I still didn't know what it was. I rushed forward and grabbed Caspian, trying to pull him away from the Witch.  He seemed to be in a trance.

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