The beginning

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I heard a loud scream who woke me up. I flattened my nightgown and slipped my slippers on. What on earth could be happening?! Something clicked in my mind. The baby, oh no. I hear another bloody scream from Miraz's wife.

The door to my chamber opened. Caspian and the professor stood there in a panic look. "She's given birth to a son." Caspian told me as we locked eyes and he handed me my sword and bow, I took them and attached them to my belt as he dragged me out of the castle. He hoped on his horse and lended me a hand to get on as the professor takes something out of his pocket . It looked like a horn.

"It has taken me many years to find this."  He said, handing it to him.  "Do not use it except at your greatest need."  He advised.  Caspian nodded, and tied the horn to his waist.

"Will I ever see you again?"  Caspian asked.

"I dearly hope so, my prince."  He said, solemnly.  "There is so much more I meant to tell you.  Everything you know is about to change."

We hear guards voices.
"Now go!" The professor tells us.
The horse took off without warning witch led me to grab a hold of Caspian's chest.
As we raced through the courtyard, we came upon two guards holding spears that they crossed into an 'x'.

"Hold it!"  One ordered.  Caspian of course didn't listen, but grabbed one and threw it at a barrel, starting a fire.

"What was that for!?" I questioned.  Caspian turned his head slightly.

"Oh, you're still here?"

"Yes!  Where'd you think I went!?"

"I was hoping you'd fallen!"  He joked. I rolled my eyes, as the horse cantered across a bridge.

Almost there, little did I know, the same exact thing was going through Caspian's mind.  Fireworks suddenly could be heard. I turned my head, looking at the spectacle and noticed men on horses, riding after us.

"I knew it couldn't be that easy." I muttered.  "Caspian, they're after us!"

I hear a voice saying "A son! A son! Lady Prunaprismia has this night given lord Miraz a son!" Caspian's horse reared before taking off again.

Me and Caspian raced through the dark plains, our only light the glow of the moon. I look back behind me and realize that the men whom were chasing us were far behind.

I pat the horse's backside.  "Good boy, Destrier!"  I called to him.  He remained focused on his task, though. We soon entered the woods, and I looked behind me , noticing that the other horses were not as willing as Destrier to go through. I smiled and looked ahead.

We rode through the woods, looking behind us what felt like every five seconds.  Destrier approached a beach, and started wading in the water, struggling to get across. I turned around again and noticed that the guards were right on our trail. I took out my bow and started shooting at them.

"Come on, Destrier!  Go!" I encouraged the horse pulled himself out, and continued running. I turned and noticed some men had fallen off their horses. Soon, they were out of our reach again, as we entered another wood.  Destrier jumped over a log, and Caspian turned around to see if anyone was following. My eyes widened.

"Caspian!" I warned, but it was too late.  When he looked to what I was warning about, he got smacked in the face by a fallen tree that had stretched across the path.  He fell off, taking me with him.  He grunted loudly, but his foot was stuck in the stirrup.  Before I knew it he was drug away.

"Caspian!" I yelled, running after him.  They quickly outdistanced me, and I grunted putting all of the sprint i had on. I chased after them, and within a minute or two, I had reached Caspian, who was laying on the ground, groaning.  I skidded on my knees, and i grabbed his torso, helping him sit up.  He winced. 
"You alright?" I asked. 
He winced again.  "I will be."  He replied. "Thanks."

A creak was heard, and we both turned to the sound.  A little man came running out of a rock, which had tree roots growing over it.  Another small man followed.

"They've seen us."  One of them said.  The slightly taller one drew his sword, and rushed at Caspian. I took out my sword and pointed it at him.
"Don't move!"  I instructed.  The man stopped his rush, and looked at Caspian, looked at the fallen horn, and back at my friend.  Everyone stood, or sat, in a standstill until horses were heard.  The man that charged turned to the other.  "Take care of them."  He instructed, running off in the direction of the horses.  My mouth dropped open in a 'o' shape.  "He'll get himself killed."  I muttered.  I looked back just in time to see the smaller man running towards me and my friend.  Caspian grabbed the horn.

"No!"  The little man yelled.  Caspian blew into the horn, creating a soothing, but loud sound. I was so distracted by it i didn't notice the little man hit me over the head with the handle of his sword.  I fell over as everything went black.


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