The dwarf and the badger

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I open my eyes with a pounding headache and sit to see Caspian take a cloth off from around his head, setting it on an end table. I  heard a voice from the next room causing me to gasp quietly.

"This bread is so stale." The voice said.

Caspian turned around and looked at me. We shared a panicked look before it went to confusion at the topic of conversation.

"I'll just give them some soup, then. They should be coming around soon."

"Well I don't think I hit them hard enough." Another spoke. Caspian stood, and crept towards the doorway. I followed close behind.

"Nikabrik, they're just children."

"They're Telmarines, not some lost puppies. You said you were gonna get rid of them."

"No, I said I'll take care of them. We can't kill them now, I just bandaged their heads. It'd be like murdering guests." The first voice reasoned.

"Oh, and how do you think their friends are treating their guest?" This gave the other voice pause. He spoke after a moment.

"Trumpkin knew what he was doing. It's not the children's fault."

Before I could stop him, Caspian lunged out into the open, knocking over an animal. I ran out after him, and picked the poor creature up, setting him on his feet...paws. The little man that had knocked me out drew his sword and held it at Caspian, who picked up a fire poker as a weapon.


"Stop it! Stop it!" Me and the badger tried to reason with the men clashing blades.

"I told you, we should have killed them when we had the chance." The man spoke.

"You know why we can't!" The badger reasoned. This caused him to stop swinging at my friend.

"If we're taking a vote, I'm with him." Caspian voiced, nodding his head in the direction of the badger. I nodded in agreement.

"We can't let them go, they've seen us!" Nikabrik shouted, slicing at Caspian once more, who blocked and fell on his butt.

"Enough, Nikabrik! Or do I have to sit on your head again?!" He scolded. This earned a surprised snort from me, I quickly covered my mouth.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"And you, look what you made me do!" The badger said, scolding Caspian. The badger bent down, and began picking food up off the ground, which you leaned over and helped with as well.

"I spent half the morning on that soup." The badger complained. Caspian looked at him in shock before his eyes traveled between the two captors.

"What are you?" He questioned. The badger laughed.

"You know, it's funny you should ask that. You'd think more people would know a badger when they saw one."

I pinched my lips together to keep in a laugh, which made me smile instead. I looked up at my friend.

"No. No, I mean," he paused, "you're Narnians. You're supposed to be extinct."

"Oh, sorry to disappoint you." Nikabrik spoke, returning to his seat. I scowled at him.

"That's not what he meant."

Nikabrik didn't respond. Instead, the badger placed two small bowls of soup on the table. "There ya go. still hot."

Me and Caspian shared a look.

"Since when do we open a boarding house for Telmarine soldiers?" Nikabrik asked.

"I am not a soldier." Caspian said, standing to his full height. "I am Prince Caspian. The 10th."

"What are you doing here?" Nikabrik asked.

"You kidnapped us." I countered, with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean what were you doing in the woods?"

"Running away." Caspian answered solemnly. I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"My uncle has always wanted my throne." Caspian explained, pulling from your grasp to put the poker back. He looked into the fire.

"I suppose I have only lived this long because he did not have an heir of his own."

"Oh. That changes things." The badger noted.

"Yeah. Means we don't have to kill you ourselves." Nikabrik said. He pointed to you. "And who's she?"

"Princess Diana of Archenland" I answered, sending the dwarf a sassy look. "But call me Diana"

Caspian froze, recognition washed over his face as it turned pale.

"You're right." He said.

"Where are you two going?" The badger asked.

"My uncle won't stop until I am dead and she is punished for helping me escape." Caspian explained, while we both pull up are armour.

"But, you can't leave. You're meant to save us." The badger reasoned. He picked up the horn.

"Don't you know what this is?" He asked. I looked to Caspian, who was staring at the horn in what appeared to be wonder and confusion.

"This was Queen Susan's horn. It's said to bring back the Kings and Queens of old, should it ever be used." The badger explained. I looked to Caspian.

"You called for help." The badger reminded him. "They're on their way."

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