The attack

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Me and Caspian were just chatting when he had to make sure everything was ready for the attack. "Sorry Di, I'm supposed to meet our magnificent high king to take care of business" He said sarcastically. I signed as he walked back to the how.

Wondering around I hear my name being called. I looked at the source seeing Lucy and Susan waving at me to go and join them. They were sitting in the grass as I ran up to them. Susan was sharpening he arrows and Lucy was playing with her dagger. I sat next to Susan when she asked me.

"Did Caspian's tell you about the attack?" She spoke sounding frustrated.

"Yeah we're apparently leaving at dark." I responded sighing.

"It's ridiculous. I don't know what our brother was thinking. It's safer to stay here!"

"There isn't much we can do" Lucy spoke earning a nod from me and her sister."At least you two can go, while I'm stuck here. I fought in battles before I was a great warrior too in the golden age." She added as I chuckled at her comment. "It's not funny!" "It kinda is Lu." Susan added.

We approached the Telmarine castle. The griffins quietly glided through the air. Susan gave me a nod and mouths good luck before she, Peter, and Caspian headed away from us towards the other side of the castle. Edmund pated the side of the griffin carrying us, and it dived, landing on the steep roof on a tower of the castle. Somehow, the Telmarine soldier on the balcony below us didn't see us. Ed and I slid off the griffin and leaned back against the roof so as not to be seen. Edmund nodded to the griffin, and it swooped down swiftly and carried the guard away into the night.

Edmund nodded at me and jumped from the roof onto the balcony. He looked up at me and beckoned me to jump down.

"Come on!" He whispered up at me while checking to make sure no one could hear him. "I'll catch you, hurry!"

I swore. If I knew I'd be jumping off a castle that time two days ago, I would not have ran away with Caspian.

I sucked in a deep breath of the cool night's air and step off the edge of the roof. I felt Edmund's strong hands grab my waist as my feet hit the ground.

"Are you alright?" He whispered. I turned around and met with Edmund's dark eyes and brow furrowed with concern. I nodded. He removed his hands from my hips and walked towards the edge of the balcony.

Edmund stepped up onto the edge of the wall as he extended his arm, and flickered his light on and off, signaling Peter, Sue, and Caspian that it's safe to land and the Narnians to head towards the gate of the castle.

"Now, we wait," Edmund walked over to where I stood with my arms crossed, leaned against the wall. " So tell me my king, tell me an adventure you had here?" I asked trying to lifted the conversation.

"An Adventure?"

"You heard me."

"Ok ok, there was this one time we're we going out on a stroll, when we came across this magnificent river. We spend all day there until night fall." He chuckled remembering the memories. I could feel my face turn a bright pink... Did I like King Edmund? No, no he's 1300 years older than me it wouldn't work. Plus he would return to his world sooner or later.

Edmund came behind me and leaned his shoulder against mine. I glanced over at him briefly, and I saw him looking at me. I held his gaze with mine and felt my heart  race. He turned to face me completely and pulled me toward him abruptly.

"What are you doing?" I whispered. He leaned toward me slowly, his eyes twinkling in the moonlight and a small smile playing on his soft lips. My heart was about to beat out of my chest when he leaned closer to my ear and whispered.

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