Chef!Bucky Barnes

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Bucky Barnes as a Chef

He is trying to get used to real food again after years of supplements and IVs or being force fed through a tube to keep him going as the Winter Soldier.  He discovers after watching cooking videos online that the act of cooking is actually quite calming for him.  He quickly learns what he likes and what he doesn't, willing to try almost anything just to see if he enjoys something new.

Bucky loves sweet things!  Just about any fruits except honeydew and cantaloupe, his favorite is plums!  He's also a big fan of grapes (green, not red) and peaches. Bananas and apples he can take or leave, and he loves watermelon.

He's not a huge fan of sour things.  He can handle spicy foods to a very high level without getting sick (he ate a ghost pepper by accident once) though he is picky about what spicy things he likes and he loves jalapeños.

He can chop vegetables faster than anyone else in the kitchen so when they needs things chopped in bulk Bucky just gets a cutting board and chops cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes and lettuce for 20 minutes and they're set all day.

He can pick pans and trays up out of the oven without an oven mit with his left hand.  Also, thanks to employees needing to wear gloves in the kitchen he can use the metal hand in front everyone. If after hours or before opening, anyone ever asks why he wears the gloves while not handling food he tells them he had an accident in the kitchen and got severely burned so no one ever minds that he never takes the glove off of his left hand.

He exclusively works in the kitchen so he rarely has to interact with anyone other than the other Chefs. He also has a fantastic memory, and never once gets an order wrong.

He makes friends with the other chefs and they share recipes, and one of them gets Bucky into baking as well.  After work every day he will make himself something for dinner, take it home and set it on the counter.  He'll mix whatever it is that he's trying next and put it into the oven before eating his dinner.  Bucky loves brownies and he's gotten good at making cake, just trying to make a 2 tier cake for the first time and it actually turned out pretty good. His absolute favorite though is banana bread, it is fantastic and he makes at least one, usually 2 every week so that he can have some for breakfast before he runs out the door every morning.

Bucky is people's worst nightmare if he ever sees a waitress cry.  The waitresses are all very nice to Bucky, and only one of them seems to be that way only because they think he's attractive, he has a soft spot for them.  Especially since they deal with the customers so he doesn't have to, he feels for them knowing how cruel humans can be, even about the dumbest things. But if a customer takes it too far, if someone makes it personal, insulting or bitching at a waitress, Bucky will leave the kitchen.  Everyone who works there knows Bucky leaving the kitchen is always a bad thing. He comes in the back door and leaves through the back door, there's also an employee bathroom so he never has to enter the dining room, so when he does something is very wrong. Bucky is an intimidatingly large man, though everyone in the restaurant knows he's basically a Pit bull puppy, sweet, gentle, loving and misunderstood for the way he looks.  (Bucky Barnes really is exactly like a Pit bull!  Only mean because people made him that way, always putting his trust in humans again after being fucked over and is the most kind hearted thing you've ever met in your life.  Bucky Barnes is a Pitty!)

Bucky will remove all the plates from their tables and dump them into the trash right in front of you, and if he has to actually speak no one will get a word in edgewise.  His voice is loud and deep, it commands attention and most grown men wouldn't have the balls to snap back at him and the ones that try live to regret it.  Bucky is a pro at getting people to swing first, as long as they do he is legally allowed to toss you out of the restaurant and he is more than happy to do it.  He would never hit a women, however he will ensure she can't swing at him again before carrying her out of the building, and for any man, (though there have only been 2 who are courageous enough to hit Bucky) they learn quickly that that's stupid. One hit and they're on the floor, one of the men was so dizzy he actually had to crawl out of the restaurant.

Bucky as a chef would be fantastic.  Plus, I dare you to tell me that Bucky Barnes with his hair in a little bun while he cooks isn't the cutest thing you've ever thought about in your life! 

He can cook for me any day🥵🥵

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