Goth Girlfriend -Klaus Mikaelson

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No one ever expected Klaus to have an interest in you...least of all you.

Everyone thought he had a thing for Caroline but you came to realize that was more of a spite Tyler thing than anything. 

To Klaus, you were the most beautiful girl he had ever met, though most people wouldn't agree and he would be the first to tell them to 'Fuck Themselves'.  Having a grumpy goth girlfriend wasn't something Klaus had ever really experienced but as he was used to being the 'grumpy' one in the relationship it did throw him off a well as everyone else.  Elijah would have thought it would be a cold day in hell before Klaus was the cheerful one but here he is, smiling as his favorite girl once again drilled her fist into Damon Salvatore's face for insulting her boyfriend.

Klaus loved spoiling you but he quickly came to realize you didn't always like the things he spoiled most women with.  Rather than roses that he would usually bring women he would order black calla lilies or black tulips in a more gothic bouquet which had you swooning, loving how far he went to make you happy.  You didn't like normal fancy restaurants and while he would still take you for a fancy night every once in a while he was more likely to find a date you would enjoy. Your first date actually being at a drive in showing a horror movie double feature. He was shocked at how much you truly enjoyed it.

The hardest thing for him to get used to was probably the music, and to your credit you did try to take it easy on him with it, knowing his typical taste in music wasn't so...heavy.  He eventually got used to it, loving how much fun you had singing along whenever he took you somewhere so he became accustomed and actually saved most of your favorite bands to his phone.

If someone ever told him he would have a band called Ice Nine Kills on his phone one day he would have snapped their neck but it made you happy and Klaus would do anything to see your rare smiling face. 

He even went so far as to buy you tickets to your favorite band and seeing Klaus Mikaelson, the Original Hybrid, a man that has lived through 1000 years of life, the renaissance, the Victorian era, every American war ever, seeing him in a Motionless in White Mosh Pit was truly the best thing you've ever witnessed and he was Rewarded for that one big time!

The biggest thing to you was that he put up with you.  You know that you can be difficult, your attitude leaves a lot to be desired at the best of times but you do love him and you often try to take time to show him that.  Those are his favorite days, your soft snuggly days where you try your best to remind him over and over how much you love him. 

He puts up with a lot from you and he knows you do the same for him, that's what a relationship is and you wouldn't give your relationship with Klaus up for anything in the world.

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