Dare and Question Time!:

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Ameripan: What's that suppose to be?

China: Don't ask me, aru!

England: No we don't need another France!!! One's enough.

France: *wraps arms around England* Well your dating that France, mom cheri~!

England: *blushes*

Germany: *groans* I hate my dare so much!

Prussia: *laughs* People hate you so much!

Germany: It's not my fault though!

Admin: *chuckles* Just your luck too!

Canada: Lucky it wasn't me!

Prussia: Yeah, lucky you.

Admin: Do your dare already gay boy!

Germany: shut up! I'll ask this even though your going to be sassy about it. Can I wear boxers.

Admin: Yeah, no way in hell your wearing brief's.

Germany: alright! *sighs out* I hate my life *walks in my room*

Austria: Good luck with that. I bet you 50 bucks Italy will question if Germany is drunk!

Japan: I highly doubt that!

Admin: Deal!

Hungary: I can't believe you! When did you start opening up? *smiles*

Austria: After that Drag Queen thing, dear! Trust me.

Admin: Don't get cocky about it!

Austria: Never in a million years that I'm cocky!

Italy: *walks in the room* Yeah right, keep telling yourself that! Your personality is more cocky then Prussia's.

Prussia: I'm not cocky, I'm awesome! Well not as awesome as Birdie, but still awesome! *hugs Canada*

America: Did you just admit some one was more awesome than you?

Prussia: Yes I did!

Germany: *comes out in the costume* Did you say Prussia admit some one was more 'awesome' then him.

Admin: *bluntly* Yes

Germany: *in a monotone or emotionless voice* It's the end of the world.

Italy: *holds in a laugh* Germany?

Germany: Yes?

Italy: Are you drunk, because you normally DON'T wear these things?

Admin: *groans and gives Austria his money*

Germany: No, I'm not! *pulls his curl
for the dare*

Italy: *moans and flips Germany in defense*

Everyone: *eyes go wide*

Platypuschicawania: *walks in but sees Germany on the ground* What the hell happened?

Hungary: Long story dear!

Ask or Dare: Gerita, FrUk, AmeriPan, PruCan, RoChu, and AustriaxHungryWhere stories live. Discover now