Dare #3

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^I'm taking a small break from Dare Two for a bit so I can get every one else in ok and when I'm done I'll continue later.^

Germany: *quickly puts both his hands behind his neck and quickly shakes his head* No one is touching my no-no square!!!!

Italy: *creepy ora* Doistu! I have a dare do here! *creepy smile and opens eyes*

Every one: *shivers*

Germany: *squeaks and does anime tears* No! Your scary when your Mafia and all! Don't make him do, pleas don't make him do it!! *in the emo corner*

Austria: And I thought people called me the pussy?

America, Prussia, and England: *laughs at Germany's luck*

Germany: Why am I in love with a man who invented the Mafia?!

Italy: *jumps on Germany's back, still having a creepy ora* GERMANY!!!!

Canda: *reads my part of the dare while Italy and Germany figure out how to do theirs* Prussia!

Prussia: *stops laughing and looks at his Birdie* hmm...

Canada: I need to paint you like one of my French girls, i-is that o-ok!

Prussia: Th-that's fine *blushes but is lost*

Canada: *blushes and does the dare*

Prussia: Damn this is a lot paint!

France: *tries to hold in my laugh* Your doing well Canada! *pats his shoulder*

England: *reads my dare then blushes* Let's say he already seen my pirate side! And it was weird for him and myself when we woke up the next morning.

Italy: *still creepy in mafia personality* Germany come on! It's just a dare.

Germany: *quivers*

Russia: *smiles* I feel bad for Germany, da!

China: Yeah, aru!

Germany: *whimpers*

Ask or Dare: Gerita, FrUk, AmeriPan, PruCan, RoChu, and AustriaxHungryWhere stories live. Discover now