Dare #6:

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Admin: *grabs letter and walks inside* *reads it* Hey guys we got a new da- *starts snickering then laughs historically*

Germany: What is it?

Admin: *hands him the letter* Besides Frances dare and the first part of your brothers dare, it's funny!

Germany: I hate mine!

Austria: At least it's not me.

Russia: Same there, I'm not wearing a dress again!

China: You looked cute, aru!

Russia: Thanks, my sunflower.

Prussia: *reads it* really! I don't want to make my Birdie cry.

Admin: But you have too! It's a dare.....

Prussia: *groans* I hate this! *goes find Canada*

Admin: This isn't going to end well.

--Few minutes later--

Everyone: *hears yelling from Prussia and Canada*

America: I hope Prussia will be ok!

Admin: Why do you say that?

America: Canada isn't the most happy camper when he's upset.

Canada: *runs to my room crying*

Prussia: *comes back with a bruise on his cheek*

Germany: Ouch!

Prussia: Shut up!

Admin: Know you need to wear a dress!

Prussia: Damn It!

Hungary: Language! There are children watching this.....

Austria: You shouldn't be talking Hungary, dear!

Russia: He's right!

China: *nods*

Prussia: Just give my the stupid dress

Admin: *hands him the pink sparkly dress*

Prussia: *goes to the bathroom and changes* *comes out embarrassed*

Everyone: *laughs*

Admin: WAIT! *grabs a little pink tayra and puts it on his head* There we go! Know go him tigger.

Prussia: I hate all of you!

--Time Skip--

Prussia: *knocks on Canada's door*

Canada: Who is it?

Prussia: It's me Prussia, can it come in?

Canada: Ok, sure! Let me guess to start another hurtful argument?

Prussia: Well not exactly! Let me in and I'll tell you!

Canada: Ok? *sits up straight on the bed*

Prussia: *breathes in and out* *a opens the door*

Canada: What the hell are you wearing?

Prussia: I was part of the dare! I had to make you cry and show up like this in this dress and sing a stupid song that I don't even know the lyrics too!

Canada: You don't need to sing of you don't want to if you don't know it!

Prussia: Ok, but I'm sorry! *kisses him*

Canada: *pulls away quickly* if you make me upset again, I'll hurt you a lot more than I did in the kitchen!

Prussia: I promise!

Canada: *smiles* Good *kisses Prussia again* Know get changed, because I don't know who will die first, you or dress!

Prussia: Alright, I'll change!

Canada: Ok.

-To Every one else-

Admin: Germany, let's get your dare done and over with! *hands him a dress in a cover*

Germany: What the dress?

Admin: go see and find out!*winks*

Germany: I don't trust this dress!*goes gets changed*

Japan: Oh dear!

Germany: *comes back in a Princess Peach dress (the one in the cover) sighing in frustration* This is the dress you picked

Admin: Well you know since Italy is Italian after all so I thought it would be funny if you were Princess Peach!

America: And you do have her hair color too man!

China: Go *holds in laugh* Italy is outside painting!

Germany: *groans and walks outside* *sees Italy facing away from him*

Italy: *hums quietly*

Germany: Italy *taps shoulder*

Italy: *turns around* Yes Ger-! *scans body* The fuck are you wearing a Princess Peach dress?

Germany: Dare!

Italy: I like it! You should wear it more often~ Ve~!

Germany: Thanks?

Italy: *giggles* I can't believe you look good in dresses? I don't understand that.

Germany: *blinks*

-W/ France and England-

France: Love? *opens the door and walks in*

England: *looks up from my book and smiles* Yes Francis? *walks in and kisses him on the cheek*

France: I need to tell you something! And please don't be upset alright? *tears wells in my eyes*

England: Did something bad happen love! What is it *looks scared*

France: *hugs England and whispers in his ear* I'm disappearing, mon cheri~! I won't be able to see you again.....

England: What? No! You can't, I don't want you to leave!! I can live with out you, love! *starts to cry* I don't know what to do without you. *hugs France back and sobs*

France: I have to tell you some thing else!

England: *lets go of the embrace* What is it!

France: What I just did to make you cry was a dare that I had to do!

England: *slaps him as he leaves a red mark* You scared me you moron! I thought I would have lost you!!!!

France: *rubs face* Sorry, min cheri~!

-W/ America-

America: *looks at the cosplay* *sighs and takes off glasses*

-Five Minutes Later-

America: *looks in the mirror*

Admin: You look great!!! You look exactly like him, good thing I has a black Marco wig for ya!

America: Yeah what ever I'll do the dare for Keeks sake!

Admin: Go get him tigger!

America: I wish! *walks to Japan's room* *knocks on the door* Keeks can I come in?

Japan: *hides laptop under my pillow* come in!

America: *breathes in and out once then walks out*

Japan: *on the inside fangirls* *takes out camera an takes a picture* Thank you, Alfie! *hugs him and kisses him on the cheek*

America: You welcome *hugs back*

Ask or Dare: Gerita, FrUk, AmeriPan, PruCan, RoChu, and AustriaxHungryWhere stories live. Discover now