Dare #4:

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China: Russia will hate me after this because he doesn't like his vodka taken. But maybe I'll be an acceptation, aru! *goes up to Russia and taps him on his shoulder*

Russia: *turns around confused but then sees China and smiles* Oh hello my sunflower, what is it?

China: *blushes a dark red and goes on my tippy toes and kisses Russia*

Russia: *dazed for a moment but kisses back*

Japan and Hungary: *Japan and Hungary being Japan and Hungary, their taking a photo*

Admin: Oh my god, typical Japan and Hungary! That's why I love them!

America: Why is that?

Admin: Their too in their Yaoi to pay attention to anything!

America: Good point! It's weird..

Admin: Your dating Japan! This is like normal for you when he does this!

America: Good point!

China: *stops kissing Russia and takes his vodka and runs* Sorry, aru! It's was part of my dare, aru!

Russia: *scratches the back of his neck* If it was some one else, they would have gotten the pipe, da!

Germany: Oh. Ok! Wait were's Italy?

Admin: In the kitchen making pasta like always! You should know this by know. You lived with him before you two started dating!!!

Germany: Tushay, just tushay!

Admin: Good!

Germany: Well I need to do my part of the dare. I hope he's out of Mafia mood.

Admin: Don't worry he's not. I took care of it ok!

Germany: I trust you on that! Ok. If he's not I'm blaming you on that. *walks in the kitchen*

Prussia: *reads Germany's dare and freezes*

Canada: Y-you ok Prussia?

Prussia: *still stands there* I'm fine. Um! I just... Uh... Eh.... Mmmmmm... *then stops talking in general*

-/Know back to Germany and Italy in the kitchen\-

Germany: Hey Italy!

Italy: *looks at Germany* Oh hi Doitsu! Want some pasta when I'm done?

Germany: Yes, sure! But I need to tell you something! I don't know how your going to react but I need to do it.

Italy: You can tell be any thing you know that, Germany!

Germany: Alright! *holds onto both of Italy's arms* Italy, I need to tell you that I always loved you since the year 900, and I promised that I'll come back.

Italy: *opens his eyes and tears up, then looks up at Germany* *whispers* Holy Rome! *hugs Germany tightly around his waist and snuggles his face in Germany's chest as the tears slide down his face* Holy Rome!

Germany: *hugs Italy back and puts his head on top of Italy's*

Ask or Dare: Gerita, FrUk, AmeriPan, PruCan, RoChu, and AustriaxHungryWhere stories live. Discover now