Dare #5

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Admin: This dare is awesome!

Prussia: Not as Awesome as the awesome ME!!!

Admin: *mumbles* Keep telling yourself that!

Prussia: What was that?

Admin: Nothing to your concern Prussia!

Prussia: Ok!

China: You really don't to see Japan drunk, aru!

Admin: Why is that?

China: Let's says she's a mixture of the typical American white girl and sassy gay guy!

Admin: Isn't he already gay?

China: Good Point, aru!

Admin: Japan, America! Come here, I need to tell you guys something!

Japan & America: *walks in the room* Yes?

Admin: You two have a dare so here! *hands them a beer bottle*

Japan: *confused but takes it anyway*

America: Let me guess they want us drunk!

Admin: That's a lucky guess too!

America: Ok, Cool! *chugs it down*

--Le Time Skip to 10 Beers later, brought to you by England's really bad scones--

Germany: Oh god. Who gave Japan alcohol?

Admin: *raises hand*

Germany: This is not a good sign at all.

China: Why is that, aru?

Germany: He is like England! He can't hold his liquor and is a American white girl.

American: *slurs a bit* Hey *hic* girlss in my coun- *hic* country aren't that white!

Admin: God give me strength to deal with these two drunk idiots! *pushes the two in a closest and locks the door for safe keeping* Thank GOD! I hate the smell of alcohol in the after noon!

Germany: We all do!

Russia: Unless your drunk, Germany. Than it's a different story, da!

Germany: *crosses arms* you have a point.

Austria: I can't believe you admit that!!

--After 20 minutes of chilling later--

*every one starts to hear moaning from the closest*

Admin: *gets up and walks away*

Ask or Dare: Gerita, FrUk, AmeriPan, PruCan, RoChu, and AustriaxHungryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt