Surprise Quirk

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"Problem child did what?"

"Sir, I know that it may seem weird, but there have been some cases when quirks develop moments before death. We are going to do some tests to determine the quirk and take care of him so that we can discharge him as soon as we can" the nurse explained to the worried pro hero.

Bakugou remained seated in the chair next to the pro as he listened to the conversation intently.

"I understand, I'll let you do your work now. But please inform me if anything happens to him" Aizawa said to the nurse with his hands intertwined together.

"Will do, eraser" the nurse assured in a slight bow.

And with that the nurse had gone off to the green-haired teens room once again.

The two boys sat there in complete and awkward silence, that is until the older one started to speak.

"You were there before the nurse came in, right Bakugou?" Aizawa asked as he looked at the floor.  

"Yeah" responded the blonde, looking at his teacher.

"What happened before she came in?" Aizawa asked him, now looking him in the eyes.

"I watched him wake up, I didn't know what to do, so I just hugged him" the teen responded as he played with his hands.

"I see..." Aizawa said, drifting his eyes off the kid and then smirking as he let a little chuckle out.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" Bakugou asked his teacher with an angry tone.

"Heh, I always knew you two had something going on" Aizawa replied as he laughed some more.

"HAH?!" Bakugou exclaimed as he felt his face heat up.

"Don't try denying it, all it takes is one glance and anyone would notice" Aizawa laughed as he looked back again at the blonde.

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Bakugou accused his teacher as he felt his face as hot as a burning oven.

Aizawa laughed loudly in a kind of fatherly way as he smacked the table between them and opened his eyes to face his student.

"Are you even looking in a mirror?" Aizawa pointed out as Bakugou covered his tomato face with his sweaty hands.

"TH-THERE'S NO NEED, CUZ I'M TOTALLY FINE!" Bakugou assured, his face still completely covered.

Aizawa looked at him just like a father would look at his son after finding out he likes a girl, only thing was a little different.

"You've got nothing to be ashamed of, you know? Besides..." Aizawa said as he unzipped his jacket, revealing a familiar shirt.

"That's... Mic's favorite shirt..." Bakugou realized as he uncovered his now less-blushed face.

"I know, I bought it for him myself," Aizawa mentioned as he raised his hand and drifted his attention to the shimmering golden ring in his ring finger.

Bakugou looked at it, and then at his teacher, with only the slightest blush on his face left.

"You, and Mic, are..?" Bakugou asked, waiting for the other to complete the question.

"Married? Yeah, we are. I don't talk about it much but we surely are, and there is nothing wrong with it, neither with you" Aizawa answered his student.

Bakugou stayed silent and a little wide eyed, he looked at the table in front of him, he didn't know what to do next.

Thankfully, the awkward moment was interrupted, but not in a really nice way.

"UMM, ERASERHEAD! CAN YOU COME INTO ROOM 227 PLEASE?" An agitated nurse requested as she exited the room she just mentioned.

Aizawa let out a slight sigh and went in with the nurse, leaving the blonde teen all alone in the waiting room.

As he entered the room he saw the black substance crush the bed as if it was water meeting cotton candy, and a terrified Izuku trying to stop it.

He activated his quirk, but even if he was looking at his student straight in the eyes, and even if his hair was floating and his eyes were red, the black and destructive monster didn't even budge.

"PROBLEM CHILD! I NEED YOU TO HEAR ME, OKAY!?" Aizawa asked with one arm outstretched forward.

"YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN, TAKE DEEP BREATHS. ONCE YOU DO THAT THIS WILL STOP, ALRIGHT?" Aizawa suggested in confusion as to why his quirk wasn't working.

Izuku tried his hardest to stay calm, to ignore the fact his whole arm was wrapped with something black, and to ignore everyone's eyes looking at him as if they were stinging him like bees.

The black roots started to retreat into Izuku's hand, leaving destruction in its path but finally finding peace and tranquility.

Izuku looked at his now normal hand. It looked just like it had all his life, yet he knew it was way different than before.

"I- I'm so sorry I- I didn't-" Izuku began to apologize.

"It's alright kiddo, it wasn't your fault at all" Aizawa reassured the teen.

Just then they all heard a knock on the door. Although it was their first time hearing it, it was not the first time it was made.

The nurse approached the door and the second she unlocked it, a blonde teen came crashing right through it.

"DEKU!" Bakugou exclaimed as he ran towards his best friend and hugged him tightly.

"Kacchan..!" Izuku gasped as he returned the hug immediately.

Katsuki glanced at Aizawa, only to find that he was already looking at him, smirking.

He only frowned slightly as he looked away, but not enough so that Izuku would be warned.

"Ummm, I don't wanna ruin anything but..." the nurse started.

"It's alright, go on," Aizawa clarified.

"Well, we need to do some tests on Izuku to discover his new quirk, if you don't mind," the nurse announced.

"How much is it gonna take?" Bakugou asked with his usual angry tone.

"Not much, probably like 30 minutes max," the nurse explained.

"It's alright, I'll go," Izuku offered.

He stood up and followed the nurse into the testing room, the two others left in the room just went to the waiting room to do what the name of the room is telling them to do.


"Hey doc, could you give this a look?" The nurse said, passing the papers to a man much shorter than her.

The man received them and checked if it was alright, until something in the paper fought his attention.

"... there's something off with this quirk's dna..." the doctor pointed out.

"I thought so too, it's different from all the others I've ever seen..." the nurse replied.

"Hmmm... I suggest he stays here for some time so we can figure this out, go inform the teacher" the doctor ordered.

"Alright, see you soon Mr. Ujiko!" The nurse said goodbye and went to do as she was told.

He smiled and waved his hand goodbye, a strange shimmer in his round glasses, and a ghoulish smiled hidden behind his mustache.

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