Back In The Game

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"N-no... no, NO! PLEASE NO!" Izuku begged as he tried to escape from Uraraka's grip, tears forming in his eyes and his breath became unsteady.

"Awwww, don't just leave like that! The fun is about to begin!" Uraraka laughed, restraining Izuku from leaving.

As Izuku struggled to get out of the sticky situation he heard the front door finally unlock.

And to his surprise, it was the lady that bumped into him on the streets!

"My, my... it seems you're already here! You're going to make us a lot of money, you know?" The lady smiled looking at Izuku like he was her prey.

Izuku begged and cried for him to be free, but that wouldn't happen any time soon.

"You know Izuku, you make it pretty clear that you don't like doing it with me... so you know what I did?" Uraraka asked, looking Izuku straight in the eye.

"I'll make you do it with other people, just to see who fits you," Uraraka laughed.

Izuku was paralyzed from fear, do it with other people? Was she absolutely fucking insane? Of course she was!

Izuku looked at himself, he wasn't wearing his hero outfit anymore. He was wearing a baggy t-shirt and shorts, it wasn't what he expected but he knew it could have been way worse.

He felt how the same muzzle he was discovered with was being placed upon him, he tried to free himself but only caused his hands to be cuffed.

"If you dare to oppose the client, I will make sure you are punished like you never have before" Uraraka warned as he threw him onto the bed.

The two girls left and let in this so-called client, but it was... a man...

"Hi there pretty boy, are you ready to have the time of your life?" The boy asked, or may I say, the grown adult.

Izuku could only stare in fear, curdled in a ball in the corner of the bed.

The boy savagely threw himself upon the little boy and grabbed him by the hips.

"Don't act like your scared pretty boy, because deep inside you know you like it. Why you'd you be here if you didn't? Oh, I see... you're just a nervous little virgin, well in that case... I'll be your daddy that opens your eyes to the real world..." the boy said lustfully to Izuku as he savagely opened up his legs.

Izuku was scared to death at that moment, the moment the boy ripped his shorts on revealing him without underwear, and the moment when he gave the first thrust and entered into him.

Izuku let out a pained scream, it was extremely painful, excruciating even.

The boy had inserted it all at once, Izuku cried and clenched the bed sheet as hard as he could.

The adult started to move rapidly, completely ignoring Izuku's feelings and cries for help.

He did everything he could to escape but there just wasn't anything he could use, he couldn't defend himself from a grown adult, and he was also cuffed and muzzled.

The man kept thrusting and thrusting as deep as he could like a wild animal in mating season.

"You like it? Do you like it? Tell me you like it, TELL ME YOU LIKE THIS FAT COCK INSIDE YOU!" the man yelled at Izuku, thrusting even deeper.

Izuku's eyes were filled with tears that no matter what he did he couldn't stop, he was in one of the most excruciating pain he had ever been through.

"Why the hell are you crying you goddamn asshole... THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! YOU CRYING LIKE THE CRYBABY YOU ARE IS MAKING ME LESS HARD, YOUR ACTING LIKE A GODDAMN CHILD DAMN IT!" The man screamed at Izuku, going harder and harder with every word.

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