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Izuku and class a were riding a bus, Aizawa announced this morning they were going to train in something called the "USJ", they were all clattering and screaming in excitement talking to each other in pure joy.

Izuku was having fun too, he was talking with Katsuki about their upcoming plans that may or may not involve paranormal entities and camera footage that they will watch till the end of times.

They quickly arrived at the giant dome with fake cities residing within it, it was quite big and looked a little too real.

"Hello guys, I'm pro hero 13!" The hero cheered, "today we are going to do some rescue exercises!"

"Wow, they even got us fake villains!" Pointed out a red haired boy.

Everyone looked to the immense field, deep purple portals opened the path to several hundreds of thugs and villains.

"Those are real villains Kirishima! 13, evacuate the kids immediately!" Roared Aizawa, preparing his scarf to fight.

Everyone turned around and sped towards the door but were all blocked by the same purple mist.

"I'm afraid I cannot let you go out and call for help, you shall all stay within this facility and not interfere with our plans" stated the giant shadow monotonously.

The class was separated from each other and scattered all across the map, leaving Izuku alone in the forest.

As he looked around, he saw several small villains approaching him, ready to strike.

He let a sigh escape his lips, memories from groups of kids in middle school started to food his mind.

Although it always ended the same way, kids laying on the floor and pools of blood around them.

This was no exception.

He grabbed quite the special sword from his belt, it was a large, smooth, shiny and strong katana, with a fluorescent edge that was full of toxic venom.

He had a collection of poisons and venoms under his protection, he could change them in a matter of seconds and all were very lethal and painful.

Izuku stood there, waiting for the thugs to make a first move since they thought he hadn't seen them.

Then, when they pounced...


Screams emerged from the villains body as their blood painted the grass red, all of their chest had an open wound that was fatal only if the victim moved, so they were all forced to stay still and silent during the moments of agony.

"Awwww, look at you! One movement of my sword and you're all laying on the floor, how worthless! If this is what you're all like, you won't last long in the title of 'villain', you'll end up with the title of imprisoned!" Izuku laughed as he stared at the bloody people below him.

He walked out of the forest and left them to rot, but he found a very interesting scene when he got out.

He found Aizawa being absolutely crushed by a giant bird-like creature, he was bloody all over and was clearly fighting to stay couscous.

He decided to give Aizawa a little help, he charged a gun he had in his belt and placed two different bullets on it, one was a tranquilizer and the other was poison.

He shot them right into the creature's neck, landing the two hits and confusing all present in the sense.

The creature started to stagger in place as the drugs finally affected it, releasing Aizawa in the process.

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