Sports Festival

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The wheel spun around and around after midnight's speech about the rules of the festival and the basics that they did every single festival.

The wheel slowed down and showed the option of a race, Izuku already knew what this race was going to be about since he had watched all the past festivals he could, he was well prepared for all the possible scenarios.

Everyone got into positions to start the race, all in a straight line prepared to give their best in this race.

Izuku could feel Uraraka's mischievous and lustful eyes cover his body, the impatience of her desires that couldn't be holded back.

It made Izuku shiver, it made him remember the danger that he was in.

As soon as they were given the signal to start the race, everyone started to run as fast as they could, using their quirks to quicken their speed, but Midoriya had other plans in mind.

As soon as Todoroki used his ice he jumped to not get stuck and when he landed he started to skate in the ice as the others lost their time wobbling around and falling like jellos in an earthquake.

The ice enhanced his speed so it was in fact easy for Izuku to win the round because he kept along the same distance around Todoroki meaning he could skate all the way to the next obstacle.

At the middle of the racetrack there laid these giant robots, similar to the entrance exam ones.

Izuku took advantage of the attacks of the other participants to slide though one of the gaps between the robots and skip all the fighting he didn't really like.

Finally he gets to the end of the race track as 5th place using only his brute strength and intelligence and a gripping hook he always had in case of emergency.

The next activity was a carnival battle, the students had to team up and get as many points as possible to pass to the next round.

Katsuki and Izuku teamed up immediately, since Bakugou had gotten first place he had to be really careful with his 1,000,000 point bandage.

The most wanted of them all.

Uraraka approached Izuku with an "innocent" smile that only Izuku could see through but luckily a certain electric blonde reached them first.

"Hey you guys! Can we please team up, pretty please?" Kaminari begged with puppy eyes that were definitely not needed.

Izuku was quick to agree with the blonde, which seemed a little strange to Katsuki but he let it slide.

He could practically feel Uraraka stare at him with a bitter and enraged look on her eyes that made Izuku tremble a bit, since he knew that today was the day the Uraraka-free week ended, and that she was going to be the worst she has ever been.

They all reunited in their groups and prepared for the match, in total the group consisted of Izuku, Bakugou, Kaminari, Jirou and Tokoyami. Bakugou being the head of course, but that didn't stop Izuku from making the plan.

They were all together in their groups, waiting for the bell to ring so that the round could finally start. They looked at the clock like predators looking at their prey until finally...





Everyone pounced at Izuku's team as the huge billboard started a 5 minute timer, but Izuku had obviously seen that coming.

First of all, Kaminari sent some electric waves that would stun the other people for a moment, then Jirou, Izuku and Bakugou propelled up as Tokoyami let dark shadow out to guard everyone's bandages.

Now every group stood below them as they were pulled by gravity once again into land, with not any time left to the people below to dodge, they got absolutely destroyed by the force of their quirks and their weight.

Most of the teams were now knocked out, but the rest were still in the game and pounced on the currently-winning team, but all that just to get a massive explosion fired straight to them.

At last the team ended up in first place as expected, but now it was finally time to move on to the next and final round, the 1v1 battles.

Izuku looked at his upcoming opponent, his name was Hitoshi Shinsou, he looked a lot like Aizawa but had purple hair.

Time passed by as it was finally time for Izuku to begin fighting, he prepared for a bit until his name was finally announced.

He walked to the battle field and glared at the purple haired, he didn't really know anything about him, not even his quirk, that placed him in great disadvantage.

The round finally started, but the first thing that the guy did was talk, talk in a way that seemed as if he wanted for Izuku to respond.

Izuku noticed this and kept quiet as he, too, approached the sleepless teen.

It was quite easy for him to maintain quiet, he was the quiet kid his whole life and was often made fun of by being quirkless so he was already used to it. But he always acted out his emotions in different situations according to which one would be the best, and in this case, it was calmness.

"You must feel so lucky, you were accepted in the hero course without having a quirk! You know, I too ran for the hero course in hopes that I'd be accepted, but I was left to rot in the general course with a well trained quirk." The teen smirked.

Izuku was in fact not lucky at all. Yes he was accepted to his dream high school, but that came with a surprise stalker that wouldn't leave him alone without doing things that he didn't want her to do with his body.

Even though he wanted to complain and finally snap, he couldn't. Not only because he was fighting and the opponents quirk was probably related to talking, but also because no one would believe him, they would all just laugh at him for not being masculine and should be grateful that he got a women's attention,

"Seems someone already told you about my quirk, huh?" The boy murmured under his breath just before he threw a sharp punch at Izuku, just to be easily caught in action by Izuku.

He quickly directed a kick at Shinsou's stomach which landed perfectly, knocking the air out of him.

He then proceeded to throw a sly punch in the jaw that almost knocked Shinsou out, but he was able to stand up very wobbly.

Crimson blood dripped from his nose as it glowed majestically against the sun, his eyes moved in confusion, clearly signaling that he had a small concussion.

Shinsou sped up towards Izuku, trying to hit his nose, but Izuku was faster and made the final kick straight to the neck and made him pass out, making him the winner of the round.

He got back to the stands and sat next to Bakugou, as expected, and watched the next round go on.

Todoroki ended up winning the round against Sero, but that only means one thing...

He was going against Todoroki.

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