Chapter Forty-Seven

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A living dummy may be a bone marrow match? My life may be in Jetzid's hands? Or in my case, bone marrow. Yes, he was half-human. He had the power to turn into a normal - and handsome - human. But he was normal only on the outside. Maybe his insides were slightly off. Or nothing like the human body's at all. He had to have a heart pumping blood. I always felt something beating against his chest whenever we were in an embrace. His bodily functions could not have been too different from mine. If he did not come with a bone marrow, he never would have mentioned being a possible match. Jetzid's mind was made up. I could not stop him even if I laid a surgical knife against my throat and threatened him.

A possibly is better than nothing. I had a small chance.

Jetzid smooched the top of my hand and whispered, "If Matita does not stall for time to get one over me...I will immediately return with your sisters so I can get tested - and you can return to your healthy self."

My parents were speaking with the doctor.

"Apparently, I have not been healthy for the last couple months or so. Anyway...what if you are not a match?"

"I will scour Forlot - the world if I find no matches here - and convince the very first match to be your donor."

"It must be a healthy donor."

"Yes, yes. If I must, I will bribe or threaten the donor."

I responded harshly, my brows furrowed. "You will not threaten anybody no matter how low they are."

"What if they put their hands on me? Or may I skip the threats and get to the punches and kicks?"

"If they touch you when you clearly asked them not to - or make a smart remark about me - they are fair game. But you are allowed to only punch and kick them."

"If I beat the donor severely or to death, I will send you back to square one. I will put up with their bull for you, my dear Janice."

I sucked in cool air until my lungs were full. "Instead of us wasting time on this second-to-last chapter having a conversation about your next move...go do what should be done. My - our story - will suffer from an unresolved ending. Come back with my sisters safe and sound. Oh, and please do me a huge favor."

"Consider it done."

"Kick Matita's butt."

"Hoho!" He rubbed his hands together. "I will kick him with much force, making him explode into wood chips. My foot will hopefully not get stuck in his butt."

"Janice," Mom spoke, a forced smile on her face. "How are you holding up?"

I slid my hands on my stomach. "I will feel much better after the transplant. If there is a transplant."

Jetzid squeezed my hand. "Please do not say things like that last sentence. Do not lose hope."

"He is correct," Dad agreed. He pointed at him. "Young man, what is your name?"

"He is one of Janice's friends," Mom said.

"I know, but I cannot recall his name."

"Jet...I mean, Jack," Jetzid managed to catch himself.

Dad outstretched his hand. "Anybody a friend of Janice is a friend of mine."

Seeing Jetzid and my own father shake hands made my heart grow. My parents would hopefully not be worked up over him being my boyfriend, let alone having one.

"Your dad and I will return shortly," Mom stated. "Will you be alright until then?"

"Are you going to get tested? See if you are a match?"

"Yes. The doctor will show us to the testing room. Keep your fingers crossed." She instantly crossed her fingers on both hands.

I repeated her action. "Will do. And I will pray hard."

"Keep my Janice company, Jack," Dad ordered. "Listen to her and keep her calm."

"Yeah. I have done a pretty good job so far."

Once the door slammed shut behind the doctor and my parents, Jetzid asked, "Still want me to leave now? You will be alone. Matita might stop by and—"

"Did someone say my name?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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