Chapter Five

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I am not one of those ladies who faint unless that their bodies cannot take it. I passed out not because I had a broken ankle. I passed out because of him. That young man. I did not realize that he was young until I noticed him.

I do not know how long I was out. One hour? Although that I was out like a lightbulb, I had a dream. A strange but special dream. I had a dream about the young guy. I did not understand why it involved him. We just met. I just met this guy. I did not know anything about him. But what creeped me out was that he was dancing. Not by himself. He had a partner. And it was me.

I am not a dancer. In fact, I am an awful dancer. But in my dream, I was a professional. I was dancing without tripping and falling. Maybe it was because the guy was keeping me from falling. He held my hand and had his arm around my waist. He was saying things to me, but I do not know what they were. He must have said kind things because I smiled. I was smiling with glee as my skin glowed. Glowed like that I was a lightbulb casting away the darkness.

"Janice? Janice."

I opened my eyes and was greeted with pain. I was not sure if the pain was from my fall or my broken ankle. I found myself lying on the couch and my mother sitting next to me. Pain shot throughout my body. I had never felt this much pain. My muscles ached. I did not desire to move. I could not move. I just wanted the pain to go away.

"Hey, sweetie," Mom said. She smiled and brushed my hair. "I am happy that you are awake."

"Not as happy as I am," I managed to choke out.

I was feeling something against my head and forced to look up. It was not the other end of the couch. At least, it did not feel like it. And I was right. My breath caught in my throat when I came face-to-face with the guy. He was sitting on the other side of me and grinning.

Hope that I did not say anything stupid.

The handsome guy laid back on the couch. "So you are Janice. What an interesting name."

I could feel my cheeks growing hot. No, no. Why was I blushing? My heart picked up speed as my hands were shaking. Why was my anxiety increasing? Was I scared about my broken ankle? Was I scared of dying?

I looked into the boy's eyes. If it were possible, I would have melted. Melted like butter. He was the heat, and I was the butter. Wonderful. What am I saying? Why am I thinking like this? I feel dirty. I ought to not be thinking like that. He might have a girlfriend. A guy as attractive as him has to have a girlfriend.

As if he read my mind, he stated, "I am not seeing any person by the way. Thought that I should let you know that I am on the market." He winked, which caused me to blush even more.

I could not let this boy see that I was blushing. I could not let him know that I was crushing on him. I did not want my parents or sisters to know, especially Alexis. I would never hear the end of it from her. I do not know why I had a crush on him. He was attractive and had a good head on his shoulders. I was unattractive and not smart. I cannot even recall my multiplication table.

"I must be the stupidest girl on the planet," I muttered.

He must have overheard me because he said, "I do not think - no, I know - that you are not the stupidest lady. You are not stupid at all."

Now I was sweating like crazy. He was not supposed to hear that. Nobody was. Wonderful. Alexis did not have to embarrass me. I was doing a terrific job myself. It is one of my greatest traits. I can humiliate myself and do not need to try. But I will tell you what I am good at. It is something that most girls do not do. I make dolls.

You heard it correctly. I create these little dolls and sell them to people. At least, I try to sell them. I am always sad when nobody wants my dolls. I work hard on them until they are perfect. I guess that people are no longer interested in dolls. It is a shame.

"You know, I have a good feeling about you," the young man said. "If you would like, we can be friends."

I was surprised by what he said. " want me to be your friend?"

"Only if you want to. I know that we do not know much about each other, but I only want to be kind to you and welcome you and your family to the neighborhood."

"That is incredibly kind of you," Mom said. "Thank you so much. And thank you for the cookies."

"'Cookies'?" I repeated. "What cookies?"

"The cookies on the coffee table. This young man made some for us. Is that not sweet?"

I shifted my head towards the table and spotted a plate of those yummy cookies. I licked my lips and asked for one. Mom picked up a cookie and handed it to me. She told me to not have more so I could have lunch. I lifted my head and bit in the cookie. I chewed and swallowed and could not wait for another bite.

"Mmm. The cookies are delicious," I complimented. "I have never tasted anything like them."

"You do not know how glad I am to hear that," he said. "Cannot wait to add you to my collection."

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