Chapter Twenty-Two

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"It is with a heavy heart that I tell you all that Alexis is missing," he announced for a second time. There was a hint of sadness in his voice. He placed his hands on the table and tapped his fingers. "Your daughter - or sister - has gone missing."

We gathered at our kitchen table to listen to what said cops had to say. I was not phased by what happened to my sister. That she vanished. I was looking down at my shoes and had my arms crossed. The officers confessed the truth at the front door. I wish that I felt something, but I did not. You ought to be upset if a loved one ends up missing. Upset and worried. Worried that they may never return home. That they are found dead. But I did not feel anything. Not happy. Not sad. Not angry. I had to keep telling myself that she was missing.

I laid back in my chair and glanced up at my parents. I felt sorry for them. It was the only thing that I felt. Dad had his arms around Mom and was comforting her. He tried reassuring her that the police would locate Alexis. He rocked her and patted her back. It was obvious that Mom was not listening. She did not listen to his words. She was convinced that Alexis was gone. Gone forever.

The second cop grabbed a tissue box from our kitchen counter and handed it to my mother. She thanked him and took it. She pulled out a tissue and wiped away her tears. She pushed herself away from Dad and looked at the second officer.

"Oh my gosh," Mom said. "Oh my gosh. I look hideous. My makeup is running down, and my hair is tangled. I am sorry. I am terribly sorry for wasting your time. I-I know that you have other cases to attend to."

He reached out and took her hand. "Ma'am, please. Do not be sorry. You are not wasting your or our time. It is our job. We are sorry to give you the bad news."

The first cop patted his partner's shoulder. "We assure you that you and your family are not wasting our time. We knew what we were getting into when we signed up for the gig. We have been doing this for years. We have seen it all."

I slammed my hands on the table. "Have you guys ever seen monsters? Like a living hand? Or a living puppet? Are monsters real?"

Bad time to bring up monsters, Janice. Your own sister suddenly goes missing, and you are just thinking about monsters. You should know better. You are old enough to know that monsters do not exist. They are a figment of people's imaginations.

So if monsters were not real...what did I witness inside the gym? The mafia puppet and his friend did not exist - did they? I imagined them - right? But if I did...then I would be insane.

I am not losing my mind. I am completely fine. I would not be going insane unless that it was for a reason. It is stress. That is it. I am stressed. I have been working for the last few days. I have not made time for me. I have a ton on the brain. The move. A new town. A new school. Jack. Alexis dating Jack. Now she was missing. Dang. I need a bigger brain.

I just realized something.

Before the cops could answer my question, I leaped up from my seat and said, "Wait a minute. Somebody was supposed to accompany Alexis this evening. Alexis was on a date. It is why she was at the restaurant with Jack. Those two were on a date."

The second officer pulled out a pad and pen and began to jot down notes while the first asked me questions. It felt like forever, but I cooperated. I stood behind them. I refused to sit back down because I was anxious. I just wanted my sister to be found safe and sound.

I hid a hand behind me and crossed my fingers. Man. I hoped that Jack had nothing to do with her vanishing.

The officers stood and thanked me and my parents for our cooperation. The second officer put his hat back on and put away the pen and pad. He patted Mom's hand. He reassured her that they would do their best to solve the case. My mom thanked them over and over. I had a hunch that she wanted to hug them. She and my father love Alexis. I love my parents and appreciate what they have done for me. If only they taught Alexis to not be a brat. She thinks that the world revolves around her.

"Janice," the first officer said. "May I ask you one more question? I was planning to ask it earlier, but it slipped my mind somehow."

I got up and leaned against the chair. "Sure. If it brings Alexis home."

He smiled and nodded. "Do you know where he lives?"

"You mean Jack?"

"Yeah. Sorry. Do you have any idea where Jack resides, Janice? 'Cause my partner and I will search there first. We will talk with him and his family about the matter."

I could feel sweat in both palms as I brushed my bangs away from my eyes. Bangs can be a pain in the bottom. "Are...are you implying that Jack...has something to do with it?"

He shrugged. "I cannot say for sure until we meet Jack and his family and question them."

"I...I hope that he is innocent. He is so sweet."

"Looks can be deceiving, my dear," the second cop said as he adjusted his hat. "Looks can be deceiving."

I pushed myself away from my chair. "Before you go to his house...may I speak with him?"

Jack had nothing to do with it.

Or so I thought.

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