Chapter Thirty-Three

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I felt my heart stop - if I still had one. Bad enough that I was a doll. A soul trapped inside wood. Things would be worse if Olive became one. She was innocent and so darling. She had her entire life ahead of her. I would be a doll if it meant that Olive could truly live. But I never would play with her again. I never would see her or our parents again. They would never know the truth.


I shed a tear. Wish that I could play with her one more time and say my goodbyes. I did not want her to forget me. I missed Olive so much that I was hearing things. I wish that I could hear her one last time.


The most amazing thing occurred. Everything faded to black. The attic. The shelf. Jack. Alexis. The poor dolls. Me. It was black by the time that I realized it. I opened my eyes and groaned. I was greeted by bright light and covered my eyes. I was lying down and laid on my side. I uncovered my eyes and blinked until they adjusted to the light. I gasped when I saw who was next to me. My parents and baby sister. No, they were not dolls. I was not either.

Where was Alexis?

Dad was cradling Mom while she cried. She was crying so hard that I wanted to as well. I managed to hold my tears back. Those were tears of joy, not sadness. I took in my surroundings and realized that I was admitted to the hospital. I am usually uncomfortable here. It is one spooky place. Needles. Chemicals. Dead patients. Who wants to be at a hospital? But I did not care. As long as I was not in the Dummy House and with my wonderful family instead, I did not care where I was. I scooped up Olive who had been on my bed and rocked her.

"My goodness," I said. "Look at you. You are gleaming. Such a happy baby. Not as happy as I am."

Olive cooed and tried standing on her tiny feet. "Wah!" She says that when she wants help. "!"

"You wanna dance? You wanna show me your moves?"


I set her on the bed and took her hands. She got on her feet and glanced up at me as if asking for permission. I smiled and encouraged her to start. She shook her tiny bottom and moved back and forth. So adorable! Those famous dancers do not compare to Olive. She has more talent than all the Hollywood stars combined. I wanted to play with her until my time was up.

I felt arms wrapping around me. It was Mom and Dad. They were hugging me tightly and smiling. I helped my sister sit and hugged them back. I was not the only one relieved to be awake. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I was over the moon. I would never see Jack for as long as I live. He would not keep me from living. He and the Dummy House were behind me - I thought.

Mom kissed all over my face and blew in a tissue. "Ew. I apologize." She crumpled the tissue in a ball. "Sorry if I got boogers in your hair, Janice. I am such a mess. I-I have been sobbing all night."

I hugged her so tightly that my body ached. But I could care less. I wanted her to know that I was alright. I was alive. I was not going anywhere. I kissed her cheek and looked in her eyes. I could care less if her boogers were in my hair. I would rather have boogers than be Jack's. Be Jack's prized possession. I deserve to be treated like a human being. I wanted to tell my parents about what happened. I just did not know where to start. My mind was still trying to wrap it around. Never figured that he was evil.

How could he do this?

"You do not need to sob anymore, Mom. I am perfectly fine. No broken bones here. I feel like dancing!"

Olive grabbed Dad's arm and stood. She cooed happily and shook her bottom. I have never seen her dance, so it was a sight to behold. I scooped her back up and said that I would never leave her again and that I love her.


"I love you more!"

She pouted. "No!"

"Yep. I love you so much that I could eat you."

"No!" She covered her eyes.

"Fine. I will spare you. You are lucky that you are cute. I want to hold you all day."

Although that it was after ten o'clock, I was discharged and got to sleep in my bed. But I could not sleep. I read a book. Watched videos. Drank warm milk. Nope. Fear was what kept me from sleeping. I thought that I could never sleep again. Not with the Dummy House. I could not even look out the windows. I was afraid to see Jack and his messed-up family. I was the only survivor. And I knew his secret. He would do what it takes to shut me up.

"He is obsessed with me," I hissed as I climbed back in bed. I glanced at Doll Alexis. I could only imagine what she was thinking. She was sitting on my nightstand. "It will be okay, sis. I hope." I kissed her cheek. "I will find a way to turn you back. I promise. You are spoiled...but even you do not deserve this." I pulled the covers to my chin. "I wish that I could punch Jack's face. He messed with the wrong girl. The wrong family."

I heard a noise. A door opening. I looked at mine. No. I heard footsteps. They were coming upstairs!

Before I could door opened. There he was.

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