Chapter Forty-Six

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The doctor estimated that for around six months, I had an unhealthy bone marrow. Six months. I never felt off or once experienced unexplained pain, which indicated that I was indeed in the early stage. This was a blessing - but also a curse. My loved ones and I would have still been in the dark had the doctors and nurses not done a thorough job of checking every part of me, not only my disgusting wound. Had Matita not shot me...had Jetzid and my friends not carried me to the hospital...I would have not known that I was far from okay until my bone marrow grew sicker and painfully started stabbing me. Jetzid would not take the news well.

I was staring up at the bright white ceiling while trying to dig out an annoying hangnail on my middle finger. I wish that I could rip out hangnails without much pain. My body had not stopped tingling since the depressing news. My heart was pounding against my chest despite how calm my mind was. A small, significant part of me may not have been calm. Too many things to go wrong during surgery. If I underwent surgery. We needed the matching bone marrow first. Someone in Forlot had to be a perfect match.

"Who are the best possible matches?" I said, my gentle voice cutting through the cool air and tense silence.

"While matches from unrelated individuals like friends are possible, family matches are more common. One of your relatives may possess the key to your survival and your life," the doctor replied. "Whatever happens, your life is in God's hands. Are you a believer?"

"I am not ashamed being God's child."

"Good. He will stay by your side even after death. Even closer than here on this grey planet."

I nodded and twiddled my thumbs. "If we do not find a suitable match in town...will we need to search outside of its facility? Find a match from another town?"

"If none of your relatives or friends are a viable match, the next step is spreading the word of your situation to the residents. I will have my workers publish an article in the newsletter in the newspaper and on the web. We will attach a photo of your unique face if you wish. And with your parents' permission, of course."

"Can I help with the article? Your workers do not know much about me. My personality and hobbies."

"Absolutely. I was going to add that we need your help. There is never too much help." He put his clipboard on the bed next to my legs. "So where did that third friend disappear to? What favor is he doing for you?"

I was wiggling my fingers and thumbs now, attempting to make the sharp tingling in both hands fade. "I asked him to call my parents and explain what is happening."

"It should not take this long to make one quick call."

My head cocked towards him. "Hopefully, all is fine."

"A great friend of yours going missing is one of the last things that you should deal with at this time."

I smiled sheepishly, imagining Jetzid. "He is amazing." Now that Owen and Anita stepped out, I could tell him my actual feelings towards the dummy with a soft spot. "He has been nothing but kind and supportive towards me since that we crossed paths. We live next door."

"Cool. What is his name?"

It would not hurt if I told him Jetzid's true name.

"It is rare but unique."

"Rare and unique names are my favorite, Janice! Wish that my parents gave me a rare and/or unique name."

"It is Jetzid. J-E-T-Z-I-D."

"Jetzid. Is it also a girl's name?"

"I never thought of that."

How could I when living right next-door to living dolls, some - or one - of which had no good intentions?

We heard a soft knock. Jetzid had knocked on the wall. His human head was poking in. "Guess who came."

Mom and Dad squeezed past him and stood next to my bed. "Janice!" They showered me with hugs and kisses. Neither held Olive. Her stroller was not present.

Jetzid strolled towards the end of the bed and clutched the silver rails using both hands, not hiding his sorrow expression. I showed him my puzzled expression. Why was he upset?

Where is Olive?

Olive was nowhere in the house.

His thought startled me. I forgot all about his ability to read other people's thoughts.

What do you mean? But she was inside her room when Matita attacked me.

Her room was the first place that I checked. Your mom and dad told me that she is not in the house and added that they filed a missing police report. Sadly, she is not the only one.

I felt tears in my eyes.

Did she crawl out through the front or back door? Was either door open a crack?

Both doors were closed when I teleported to the house. Alexis is missing too. I searched high and low for her.

I left her on my stand.

Not there. I believe that I know who kidnapped them.

He did not have to say who was responsible.

Matita. He kidnapped them. We gotta find them.

I will. I will find them safe and sound - and take care of Matita once and for all so he can never inflict agony on you or your family or Anita or Owen again.

Please be careful.

Jetzid's next thought made my heart race.

Why do you need a bone marrow transplant?

I...need a new bone marrow. That is the bad news.

Did Matita do this? Did he infect your bone marrow?

Can you living dum...puppets do something like that?

Unfortunately, living dummies and dolls possess some of the strongest powers. I cannot fix your bone marrow or heal you of your pain..."


"...but I can be a match."

Forlot: Welcome to the Dummy House - Book Forty-OneWhere stories live. Discover now