Old habits

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Ada and Scarlett sat in their bedroom, unable to believe the day that had just happened. Scarletts mind swirled as she remembered the events of the day.

"YOUR DATING LUCIUS MALFOY!" A Screech came from the right hand side of the room. Scarlett eyed Lily with disgust as she stormed up to them, her face a bright red, matching her red hair, which still had hints of green from their prank

"Noo." Scarlett said sarcastically, rolling her emerald eyes. "I just decided to call him babe and kiss him."

Lily stomped her foot. "You brat! You can't get another boyfriend before me!" Scarlett rolled her eyes once again at her dear sisters words.

Marlene just stared at them from the corner of the room, her frantic typing for what was probably the next edition of her magazine pausing to listen in. She knew that this drama was sure to be good and people would be sure to buy her next copy.

As Scarlett and Lily continued their verbal melee, James Potter stood in his room, his friends in a circle around him.

"I don't understand." He groaned, tossing himself onto his bed, his hair a rugged mess. "I know I missed our date, but it's not like I said I hated her or anything. Plus, I know Scarlett, she wouldn't react like this. Something else must have happened!" James ran an agitated hand through his already messy hair once again.

As James continued to ramble, Sirius dropped to the floor, the remaining marauders following. He crawled under his bed, pulling out a dusty box. He knew that getting James back in his old drinking habit was a bad idea, but he didn't have any other solutions. Sirius couldn't remember the last time he had taken out the box. It may have been when they first found out that Remus was a werewolf and shared drinks with him to show their acceptance. He dug out 4 fire whiskeys that he had smuggled in from the hogs head, and bit off the cap. This isn't going to end well, he thought, before tossing the drinks to the rest of them, and a very grateful James.

"Cheers mates." He said, as they raised their drinks, "to another messed up, love stricken mauraduars."

And they raised their glasses, ready for the night that was to come.

Scarlett Red: A Marauders Era StoryWhere stories live. Discover now